The Survivor-Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The Doctor stared at the machine. The little line went up and down, in an impossible pattern. His equipment was getting old. Her heartbeat couldn't possibly-

The blood level meter bleeped. It was fine, no traces of anything, good or bad.

The girl who had appeared in his TARDIS was slightly battered, on the outside. On the inside, she was absolutely perfect; a little too perfect.

Other than the obvious signs of beatings, and possibly the fact that she might not have eaten in a while, she had no long lasting injuries. The Doctor smacked the heartbeat machine, which hummed. He wouldn't trust that thing.

Yet...maybe he should check her pulse manually. He hesitated.

He tentatively reached out a hand before drawing it back in again. The Doctor mentally kicked himself.

If the readings were as completely crazy as he thought, why should he be afraid to double-check them? He knew he would feel so much better, but...what if they were right?

The Doctor shook his head, muttering curses under his breath. That was a thought he didn't want to deal with yet. The possibilities of such a truth...he shuddered.

After another minute or two, the Doctor decided to suck it up and stop being such a pansy. He ignored the fact that the girl was stirring and stuck his hand under her chin.

He froze.

"No!" he gasped, his eyes growing wide. The Doctor slid his hands onto the girl's sides as she awoke, completely overlooking the surprise plain on her waking face.

His machines were right.

The girl was a Time Lord.

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