Chapter 3: Professor Dumbledore

Start from the beginning

                “I quit Divination in the middle of the year last year,” Hermione explained. “Trelawney is a fake, and I couldn’t put up with her foolishness anymore. Ron and Harry stayed because you can get away with anything as long as it has something to do with danger.” Calypso laughed. “You think I’m kidding?”

                Leo ate up all the magic and—as he called it—‘magomeness,’ which is a combination between magic and awesomeness. The only class he was not in complete awe of was Potions. Even someone who thought everything that had to do with Hogwarts was amazing couldn’t like Professor Snape.

                “Mr. Valdez, is it?” Snape looked down at Leo with disgust. “Perhaps Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley forgot to tell you that there will be order in my class, so I will ask you to kindly stop acting like a five-year-old. No wonder you crashed here.”

                Leo was about to jump at Snape, but Harry and Ron held him back. “I see what you mean,” he muttered to Ron.

                That night at dinner, Leo and Calypso talked animatedly about their day with the others.

                “What I don’t understand is how you could possibly think Professor Binn’s class is cool. I mean, he’s so boring!” Ron said, laughing.

                “But you guys already know all about your history and stuff. We don’t know any of it! He did have a really boring voice, though,” Leo said.

                “Pardon me, Leo.” Dumbledore had walked up behind Leo and Calypso. “When you get a chance, Professor Moody has the tools you will need to fix—uh—Festus,” he whispered.Mr. Weasley, will you escort these two to Professor Moody’s office when they’re ready?” Dumbledore turned to Ron.

                “Uh, thur,” Ron said, his mouth full of food.

                Dumbledore chuckled. “I’m glad you’re enjoying the food,” he said, and walked away.

                After everyone had finished, Harry and Hermione headed back to the Gryffindor common room, while Ron, Leo, and Calypso headed to Moody’s office.

                “It’s on the other side of the castle,” Ron said. “So, how long do you think it’s going to take to fix Festus?”

                “I’m not sure,” Leo sighed. “I could just have to fix his legs, or I could have to take him completely apart and rebuild him. I’m a little worried about what condition he’s in.”

                “Aw, I’m sure he’s alright!” Ron clapped Leo on the back. “Ah, here we are. His office is right through that door.”

                “Thanks Ron,” Calypso said. “We’re gonna head out to the forest after we get the tools. We can find our way out if you want to go upstairs and rest.”

                Ron nodded. “Alright. See you later,” he said pointing to Leo, “and I’ll see you in the morning,” he said pointing to Calypso. He waved, and left.

                Just as Leo was about to knock on the door, it opened. “I was wondering if you were coming or not.” Professor Moody stared them down. “I saw you through the door. This here eye can see everything.” He pointed to the eye that they had noticed could look behind him. “Well, stop standing there. Come on.”

                Moody moved to one side to allow Leo and Calypso to come in. They shuffled into the room, nervously. This Moody dude was freaky. Something was definitely off about him.

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