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--There might be blood  so this is a trigger warning--

It was a nice morning when I woke up and noticed that Tom wasn't next to me. I shouted "Tom?!" I heard someone run up to the dorm's door. The door opened and Tom came in and asked "You called princess?" I sighed and laid back down "Yeah...No it's okay." He came in and closed the door behind him. He laid beside me. I cuddled up next to him and he kissed my head.

It was late morning and we didn't have classes today so me and Tom just stayed in our common room laughing with our friends. "Oi Blaise!" I yelled as he was making out with Cho. He just showed me his middle finger and kept going. We just laughed and decided to play some truth or dare. After a few rounds I felt tired. As I yawned and rubbed my eye Tom said "You tired?" I looked at him and said "Nope I'm good."

He just laughed, picked me up and sat down on the couch. I was sitting on his lap. I laid my head on his shoulder and zoned off. "Oi sis you there?" I heard Draco ask. I zoned back and nodded. "You okay princess? You look sad." Tom asked while pulling me closer to him. "I don't want to talk about it now." I said as i hid my face in his oversized hoodie. He kissed the top of my head and wrapped both of his arms around me and whispered "Okay we'll talk it out later. Now sleep." I nodded and slept in.

I woke up in the hospital wing sitting on a chair next to a bed. I looked over to who lays there and it was Tom all in blood. His face was covered in bruises. My heart started beating so fast it felt like it skipped a few beats. I springed up from my chair and heard a voice "He'll be okay. He lost a lot of blood of several stabs in the back." I was in shock because I can't remember anything that happened. I just started crying. I sat back down and just cried.

I think I blacked out or fell asleep because i was sitting in the corner of the room. I heard Tom grunt in pain. I got up and rushed to his bed. "Hey, how you feeling princess?" He asked. I just wiped my tears standing next to his bed. "What happened?" I asked him. He even stopped breathing. "There...there was a killer in the school. He was after something. He came in our common room and told everyone to freeze. I put a spell on you so you wouldn't remember anything because I didn't want you to have any memories of it. But after I put that spell on you the killer stabbed me." He said with his voice trembling. I took his hand and said "Did the killer touch anyone else?" He shook his head and I sighed in relief.

Later that day the rest of our friends came to visit. We all laughed a bit and hugged each other.

After a few days Tom was out of the hospital and everything was back to normal.

Tom Riddle x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now