chapter two

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In mind
*i saw a man in the kitchen  cooking  something  delicious that's  it's  smell  fragrant the entire area.
Instead of being defended like being  in  an attack  mode(like rumbling around  or threatening that person  or just killing him)my bady fell so good  that i want  to go and back hug that handsome person. It seems like we are a newly wed couple *blushh hard* fuckkkkkkkkk what  am i thinking

Lee minho get yourself together
                    *He could  feel someone constantly staring at him and making a hole in his back. *
he then turned back and saw that georgios stronger standing on stairs
*so beautiful  he said  to himself *
He could  fell his check feeling hot.
'Good Morning'  he said to the man. "The breakfast is  almost  ready plz have a seat "

*Nod and sit on the dining table.*
I finally served the food  and we eat silently *it's so awkward *
I think to my self that i need to start  a conversation

After we finished eating

Hi my name is han and i am really  sorry  for bringing  u in my apartment without permission or asking you
I am really sorry  if it makes you feel uncomfortable '

"Thank you  for the food  and it was really  delicious.
My name is minho.
And i am really grateful  for u to bring  me in ur apartment also for taking cair of me and no it doesn't  make me that much uncomfortable  and i must  be  the one apologizing for troubling u.
I am infact really  grateful 
That u took cair of me.
Oh ,hi minho, no not  at all u shouldn't apology for things u can't  control. I am even grateful  that i was able to help you and i was kinda felt that i was taking  advantage of u like  changing ur cloths  without  permission.

Nono, it's ok,it was better  that u pick me up from the street. otherwise i would have  ended up getting  rape by some asshole.

*shock by what minho said  but then realize that it was true*.

i am really  sorry to  trouble  u then i must go now.

No, not at all u really didn't  trouble me at all. ohk how are u going  by the way. I am just asking because ur heart just went through.

No no i am really ok and i will call my brother he will pick me up.
*calls felix ask him to pick  him up *

Oh ok
here's  ur cloths i have wash them. u can use mine if u want as ur cloths still have some strong smell.

Oh okk

*I don't want him  to  go .
I want to know him more.
I want his number but i can't ask because it might creep him.*

*it waa the first time han feel that way and he doesn't even  realize that he was having feelings  for a person he just met yesterday and his desire for wanting  minho was endless*

*i don't want to leave i don't  know  why i am feeling  like this *^___^¿¿
Hey can i get your number  if u don't  mind so that i can treat  u for taking  cair of me

In mind*yes,yes,yes,fucking yes that what i also wanted.
Stop Gay paniccccc.*
*from outside that he looks calm*
Ya sure 

Oh ok
*his phone  rings  it was felix call*
My ride has arrived  i will  text u later.

Ya sure no problem 
Text me after u reach home safely. bye bye.

Giggles ~~~
Ya sure  bye han.

*and the door close after minho left*

Slides by the wall and sit down
*blushhhhhh so cuteee*

Felix finally reached  han's apartment he called  minho and minho then sit's inside the car

That's it  for ep 2 .ep 3 will be updated  soon and plz check  the comment section  of ch 1 and plz reply to the comment.

Mafia||(Skz) Hyunlix/minsung/changchan/seunginNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ