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I sit there watching everyone step out the jet and start fighting. "You, ok?" I look up and see Wanda standing next to me, I respond with a nod and then run into the battlefield.

I run to Nat to help her, but all the men just run away from me. "Thanks, but I had that under control." She started running to beat down more men.

I trot around to see who needs help, until I see Barton on the floor. I run to him, I check what is wrong with him, then I spot a huge gash on his side. I look around to see who could have done this, but I see no one there.

I do a spell that makes him float and follows me. I sprint to the jet to where banner is for medical help or just in case code green is called. He sees me and then Clint. "Put him here" he says as he points to an empty desk. I put him down there then I stand around waiting to know if I can help. "You can go back to the fight I've got him."

With that I was out in a flash, I went to check on everyone to see if they were all okay. I ran to Nat first, she was overpowered so I helped her a bit. Before she could thank me, I ran to check on Steve and Thor, even though I didn't think they would need help.

I saw them fighting 50 men at a time without breaking a sweat, I decided to go check in Wanda as Tony was trying to break into the buildings defense mechanism.

When I arrived, I saw that her eyes were glowing red, which scared me a bit. I was distracted when I looked at her that I didn't see someone sneak up next to me and stab me.

When the cold sharp blade cut through my ribs I cried out in pain, which got everyone's attention, but at the same time all the bad guys within a 50-meter radius died instantly.

The first to arrive by my side was Wanda. "Faith, I told you to be careful!" she says as she warps me in her jacket as I started to change back into human form.

I was fully changed when everyone else arrived, except for Tony as he was going after Strucker. Nat had also given me her jacket, so I had more coverage of my body.

"What happened?" Nat asked as we arrived at the jet. It was only me and her so no one else could hear me.

"I was distracted" I said as I looked over to Wanda who was talking to Banner.

I looked back at Nat, and she was smiling. "You sure you're ok, you're looking a bit pale"

"Yeah, I'm fine I look like this when I realise I'm falling in love which I promised myself that I wouldn't do" I say as I sit up.

Nat tries to protest about me sitting up which grabs everyone's attention and they all rush towards us. "Faith you're not supposed to be moving!" Wanda used her magic to push me back down to the table.

"Let me get up, I have healed and I'm fine, so let me move around please!" I try and get up but this time its Rogers that keeps me down. "Why are you guys like this?"

They all look at each other, and then looked back at me "because you aren't healing and second because you saved Clint when none of us knew he was down, so all we want to do is return the favour." I looked at my ribs and realise that the knife is still there and that I'm still bleeding.

I rip the knife out of my ribs which causes Banner to run towards my side. "It's fine, you don't have to do anything. But one thing, don't hook me to a machine that counts me heart beats, okay?"

They all look at me confused; I just lie back down waiting for me to die. After five minutes of them just staring at me probably worried about how calm I am or surprised that I'm this calm after ripping a knife out of me, they just get on with their normal activities as JARVIS flies us back to base.

I feel myself become a bit drossy, so I close my eyes, but then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Wanda standing over me. "Why aren't you healing?" she kneels down next to me so no one else could hear.

"Because the blade was made of silver, which prevents me from healing. Don't worry though I'll be okay at the end of the road" I say as I turn my head away from her and close my eyes again.

I could feel myself drifting off, but I could still hear the Avengers rush around the plane when they realised I had died, or at least that is what they assumed.

Surprisingly I couldn't hear Wanda crying, but I was guessing that it was just out of shock, or at least I was hoping because I didn't want her to be angry at me.

I could still hear them shout at each other until Nat cut them off and said, "if she did this there must be a reason because she wouldn't leave us." I could hear everyone shuffle in an awkward silence.

"Why wouldn't she leave you, I mean she has only known you for a few days." I couldn't recognise the voice, but I did notice their voice sounded like a teenager which was weird because I didn't know there were teenagers on the team. 

I was hoping someone would say something because I was starting to get uncomfortable even though I wasn't really there. "Because she has stuff to look forward to in the future and I know that she wouldn't leave her sister all alone even though they aren't talking right now." This time it was Wanda that spoke, the sound of her voice broke my heart as I realised she doesn't know I'm going to come back. 

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