"Let's go upstairs." Michael pulled Jessie to her feet and led the way upstairs to their room. "This is ours now." Michael smiled.

"I will go take a quick bath." Jessie quickly left for the bathroom. 

Michael sat on the bed and closed his eyes. 'I will have to tell her everything.' 

"Michael," Jessie's voice made him open his eyes. He saw Jessie was already seated next to him. He didn't even notice when she sat next to him. "Are you okay? You have a worried look all over your face."

"I have to tell you something."

"Is this about the reason why you don't have a soulmate?" 


"As much as I want to know why you don't have a soulmate, you can always tell me some other time. It's evident that you are not ready.”

"I want to tell you now. If you give me more time, I will never be ready.”

"Okay. Take your time." 

Michael nodded his head. He opened his mouth to say something but closed It when no words came out of his mouth. Jessie squeezed his hand softly. Michael took a deep breath. "I'm the reason why my parents are dead."  

Jessie gave Michael a confused frown. "I thought baby Angels don't know their parents, and they are raised by Elder Angels in Heaven, just like how Raphael raised Raguel."

"Yes, that is true. Heaven thinks having our biological parents with us will distract them from their heavenly duties. It wasn't easy for me when I was in Heaven. I had no one." 

"What about the Elder Angel that raised you?"

Michael laughed harshly. “The Elder Angel assigned to raise me was not interested in raising me. He always shouted at me at every given opportunity. He said I was the reason why he was not out exploring things. Not only that, he ignored me as well. I practically raised myself.” Michael's voice broke. "It was very difficult for me, Jess. I couldn't take it anymore, so I did what is forbidden in Heaven. I looked for my parents because I just wanted to be loved. I knew we couldn't be a family in Heaven, so I decided we should come to Earth.

"No Angel is allowed to live on Earth unless they are permitted by a superior Angel. I knew we could not ask for permission because I had already broken the first rule. So, we decided to leave without taking permission. That was my biggest mistake. It wasn't easy to pass through Heaven's gate without authorization. When the gatekeeper didn't give us access, he contacted the Superior Angels, and they sent other Angels after us.”

“I had no option. I fought with the Angels, and I...." Michael trailed off and shut his eyes. "I spilled the blood of the Angels on Heaven's soil." Tears rolled down his face. “We were able to leave Heaven, but we were ambushed by demons. Everything fell apart within a few seconds. My parents and I tried to fight off the demons, but there were many, and I was young and very inexperienced. My guardian taught me nothing about fighting or how to protect myself. I was only able to kill the Angels in Heaven because I watched daily how other Elder Angels trained their ward. But demons are different from Angels. They are very corny, so they easily overpowered us.  I watched my parents struggle with the demons. I prayed and pleaded with Heaven to rescue us, but my prayers were ignored. My father was killed first, and I knew my mother couldn’t stand a chance of surviving. She looked at me with a smile on her face before she was killed.

"I prayed for death to take me that day. Seeing my parent's lifeless body on the floor caused me pain, and I wished I could turn back the hands of time." Michael's heart was heavy as he continued, "I thought that day would have been my last day, but I was saved by Samuel, Elena's father. 

"When we returned to Heaven, the Superior Angels were displeased with me. They wanted to banish me from Heaven, but Samuel intervened. He pleaded on my behalf, but Heaven still had to punish me for my mistakes, for disobeying the law of Heaven, for spilling the blood of Angels and making them lose their devoted Angels. That's when I was denied a soulmate." A lump formed in his throat. He remained quiet because he lacked the energy to continue.

Jessie pulled Michael into a hug. He squeezed her tightly as he cried hard. "I can only imagine what you went through. I'm so sorry about the death of your parents."  

"I caused their death," Michael whispered.

"It's not your fault. Your parents knew what they were getting involved with when they agreed to follow you. I'm sure they will not like you to blame yourself for their death.

"What happened after the punishment?" Jessie asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I tried to take my life. I couldn't live with the fact that I had been denied a soulmate, and I had also lost my parents the same day, but Samuel stopped me. He talked me out of it. He made me see the bright sides of things, he made me want to live again, and he taught me everything I know."

Jessie was surprised that Michael attempted suicide. She was glad that Samuel was there to save him. Michael rested his head on Jessie's shoulder. His eyes were swollen from crying, and Jessie had to wrap her arms around him. Jessie's heart throbbed upon seeing Michael in grief. He looked emotionally drained, and she wished there was something she could do to ease off the distress. If she could somehow take away Michael's pain and put it on her shoulder, she would have done it in a heartbeat.

A few minutes later, she lowered Michael to the bed and wrapped her arms around him as she hummed a cheerful tune.


The moment we have been waiting for; Michael's secret is finally out!!

The moment we have been waiting for; Michael's secret is finally out!! 

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