Late November Special!!Smut warning!!

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3rd POV

Itto opening the door, y/n busy on the stove cooking food. "Hey Itto you think you can grab the butter, milk, and cheese?"
"Damn it...Okay I'll grab it"
"Thank you, also we're having some friends with us keep in mind, and you invited some of yours correct?"
"Yes..y/n...Thoma, Sara, and yoimiya. And I'm assuming you're inviting your friends and that one "friend" "
"Itto he's just a friend like I said"
"Yeah sure...I see how handy's he gets with you"

Y/n turns his head around, giving an  annoyed expression. Hands clenching onto the pot. "Come on know he is..."
"Suree your just friends with aether"
"Damn it Itto! We're not even in a relationship! And your acting like this!"
Itto looked at you, his facial expressions mouth going from blank to upside down smile, Ittos eyes screaming at y/n 'why...why did you say that too me ..'. Itto looking away and opening the door.

"Itto..Itto I-"
Itto walking out of the door cutting off y/n. 'Damn it...I shouldn't have said that' y/n told himself.


"Why am I like this...why do I do this...why do I think like this..." Itto said out loud. Walking down the dorm room and storming out of the building.

"Fuck fuck fuck....why...I'm being rude for no reason...I shouldn't have acted like that"


"Ugh...I need to go grab him now, I have 15 minutes to make it up to him...I'm a turn this stove off" turning off the stove, you walk towards the door.

Walking down the hallway making your way towards the doors. Exiting the dorm building looking for Itto, you see him leaning on a tree, looking up at the night sky. "You know...some words can be hurtful...why others aren't...."
"Look Itto..."
"I'm sorry...I didn't mean it like that..."
"Hmmm...It's supposed fine I guess..." said Itto, turned his head to face you. His face showing tears but with a smile.

Walking up to Itto, your eyes starting to water. You lean on his chest looking down at the grass level, Itto placing his hand onto your head and rubbing it. "I know...I know you didn't mean harm me with words y/n, let's go finish cooking and cleaning. Make it up to me in" Itto moved your head up facing him. "In a special way~" Itto whispered in your ear.

Both of you making your way back to the dorm room. Going back to making food while Itto is cleaning everything up and setting up the table for everyone to eat.

Time pass

As food was being set and friends were coming in, Itto and y/n sitting next to each other enjoy their time together. Having conversations about embarrassing moments and how college is so far with them. Hours past they clean up and leave the place while Itto and y/n start having their moment.


" you gonna make it up too me...?"
"What do you mean?" Y/n said while throwing away used paper plate.
"I'm a leave" y/n said running towards the door and struggling to open it.

Itto said running towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist running towards the couch and slamming you into it. Knocking the wind out of you and making you dizzy. "Oh...ah....ah....r-rude....ouch...knock the wind right out off me"
"Sorry but can we y/n..." Itto said rubbing your thigh
" just...don't make it rough and so painful....I'm still new at this"
"Wait you're telling never done before?"
"Yes Itto..."y/n said turning the other way face bright red of embarrassment.

Itto raising an eyebrow."Oh?"
Itto getting closer to y/n neck, and slowly began biting onto his neck.
"Hmm~ you taste good"
Itto stopped biting. "You want me to stop my prince?"
"No...Please continue Itto"
"As you wish~"

College love? (Genshin impact AU Arataki Itto x Malereader)Where stories live. Discover now