Chapter 1

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Today everyone was in waiting around for Diavolo to arrive with  the New human exchange student.

Solomon : this should be rather interesting"

MC : but cool right? I wonder if their nice!"

Satan : why did Diavolo decide this?"

Lucifer : he said Solomon recommend them said they would be a good fit here and with his plan. So he didn't pass up the chance on this"

Mammon : well this is only gonna end badly"

Solomon : why say such a thing?"

Mc : my fault I Don't trust you so Mammon Don't trust you"

Solomon : ....harsh words b-

Diavolo then arrived with the new exchange student and said.

Diavolo : everyone this is Lucio! "

Everyone looked at him and he seemed average in his school uniform and looked very serious and proper which was kinda scary until he smiled and started talking.

Lucio : Hi! It's nice to be here! Hope we can be friends! Also. I am a very peaceful person I really admire your plan Mr Diavolo it seems like a wonderful idea!"

Diavolo : that's very nice of you. You'll be a perfect fit here"

Lucio : I hope so"

Asmo : so Solomon mentioned you? How did you two meet."

Lucio : I saw him doing magic stuff forest it blew up..."

Solomon : .....short answer yeah that's what happened"

Diavolo : MC why Don't you show Lucio around?"

MC : sure! By the why Lucio I am MC"

Lucio : nice to meet you"

MC then walked away with Lucio and Mammon was a little suspicious of him.

Later in the nighttime Mammon was out sneaking around the demon lord castle with MC Satan and Beel. Satan came because he was wondering what they were doing and Beel came because he was hungry.

Satan : I am surprise with you"

Mammon : you guys Don't think he's suspicious!? It's Werid!?"

MC : I kinda agree."

Beel : maybe he's onto something? He's sneaking around the castle?"

MC : maybe he's lost?"

Satan : I agree that is strange. Anyway if we get caught we're blaming Mammon and running"

Mammon : if I'm going down! we're all going down!"

Satan : your being dramati-!?

Barbatos : what are you 4 doing?"

Barbatos asked walking over to them.

Mammon : that new guy is sneaking around in here so we decided to follow him!"

Barbatos : know if you had suspicions you could of made me and Diavolo aware and we could of questioned him instead of you all breaking into the castle...?"

Satan : .....yes that would of been the smart thing to do"

Everyone then saw Lucio and Barbatos walked over to him and asked him as Lucio froze getting caught.

Barbatos : would you like to explain why you broke in here?"

Lucio : .....I got lost?"

Barbatos : say the truth there's no point in lying"

Lucio : technically I am not...I couldn't find my way out?..."

Barbatos : your no amusing"

Lucio :....I am sorry for causing Trouble..."

MC : just say the truth Lucio it's will be fine"

Lucio : .....I...I can't.... it's not the right time..."

MC : what do you mean?"

Lucio : ......ok... I'll tell you...."

Lucio then took a deep breath before looking at them and was about to say it before Diavolo and Lucifer showed up.

Beel : hi"

Lucifer : what is everyone doing here?"

Mammon : hush! he's about to reveal something!"

Lucifer : reveal what?"

Lucio : ....umm....well I've came here to Devildom to rad to get closer and spy on Diavolo and Lucifer...."

Diavolo : why is that?"

Lucio : .... because biologically you are him are my parents?..... surprise?"


Satan : .... didn't expect that....."

Beel :... anyone else hungry?"

MC : maybe later Beel...."

Satan : but are any of us surprised they have a secret love child?"

MC : not really"

Mammon : ...yeah your right"

Lucifer : This isn't a joke this is a serious Matter!!"

Barbatos : mind explaining a little more Lucio?"

Lucio : ok well apparently I am from Devildom but ended up in the human world and a priest found me and decided to adopt me knowing I was a demon. But I am partly also human. Being in the human world so long has changed me a bit.

I found about about them through Solomon who I refer to as my uncle or teacher. When I was 12 I saved him from something he was doing and he knew what I was and decided to train me and study me to find out what exactly my story was and power. He taught me everything about magic Devildom and so on. "

MC : Solomon knew you for that long?"

Lucio : yeah! About 30 plus years"

Mammon : how old are you!?"

Lucio : 40? But 41 in October. I stop aging around 18. Anyway after the exchange program Solomon found out Mr Diavolo and Lucifer we're my parents and plan this out for me to meet them... it wasn't suppose to happen now but..."

Diavolo :....this is quite confusing news.... Barbatos I thought y-

Barbatos : lord Diavolo not again please it was hard enough trying to explain it to you the first time. Honestly I have no clue how this could be possible"

Beel : Lucifer's burning love for Diavolo? Belphie says that is was possible has a while theory about it"

Lucifer : ......."

Satan : yes makes perfect sense solved it. Also welcome to the family we both were accidents"

Lucio : .....I am sorry if I caused trouble?"

Diavolo : Don't we silly! We all are just a little lot surprised from this suddenly news. I Don't see how you did anything wrong.?"

Barbatos : let's all just rest and talk about this in the morning. And I think we need a chat with Solomon"

Lucio : is he in trouble?"

Barbatos : no we just need information from him since he seems to know everything about this"

Diavolo : Lucio could you stay here for the night I would like to speak with you"

Lucifer : ....."

Diavolo : Lucifer? Are you alright?"

Satan : yes but in shock"

MC : well we all will see each other in the morning!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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