Meanwhile, near The Prison...

"This is definitely going to work," Tommy reassures himself, "We're gonna kill Dream!"

"K-Kill?" Ghostbur questions, "It's just a friendly prank, right?"

Tubbo, Ranboo and Tommy all overlap each other's agreements,

"Oh yeah!"

"Of course!"

"No need to worry!"

They rehearse what to say.

"You're going to be safe, alright? You're not gonna get hurt." Tommy places his hand on Ghostbur's shoulder, they both slightly smile.

"Can I tell Y/N?" Ghostbur's face lights up but soon sinks, "W-Wait, why didn't I realise, where's Y/N?!"

"She's somewhere on the SMP don't worry!"

"N-No you don't understand I need her, can she come?"

"Fine, but she better not mess anything up, and I promise she won't get hurt." Tommy hands Ghostbur an ender pearl, "She's probably in that building over there, just ender pearl past the rain."

Ghostbur nods as he throws the ender pearl.

Y/N's compass immediately flips, facing towards her.

"Did you run out of blue?" An echoed voice spoke behind her, she swiftly turns and sprints up Ghostbur, "I have more if you'd like?"

"Ghostbur- I thought you might've m-melted! O-or.... Y-You scared me to death!"

Y/N embraces him in a hug, her tears slightly burning him, but he didn't mind.

"We're already dead, though?"

Y/N laughs and punches Ghostbur slightly. He pulls away from the hug and smiles down at her.

"Want to go somewhere?" he whispers.

"Depends where..."

"I'll show you!"

Ghostbur pulls her arm to go outside but abruptly stops at the doorway.




The rain slowly came to a pause, they quickly snuck to the place where Ghostbur needed to go. A confused look stretched upon Y/N's face as they stood at the entrance.

"The Prison..?" She squints her eyes, "Am I missing something?"

"I want to visit Dream... Yeah..."

"Um... Yeah, because he totally didn't shoot an arrow through my heart..."

"I already told Sam we were coming, so it shouldn't be unexpected to him... Come!"

Ghostbur hesitantly walks to the Nether Portal as Y/N is trying to bring Friend through.

"Count to 15!" Ghostbur exclaims and starts counting. Y/N is trying to push Friend through the portal but he stays there, stubborn.

"It's alright, we'll just leave him there!" He shouts from the other side of the portal.


They did all the reception stuff blah blah blah

Throughout the security checks, Y/N could hear faint potion drinking and mysterious floating glass bottles.

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