Chapter 2

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Hey guys! I...guess I really don't have anything to say so...

Well, I don't own Naruto. Masashi Kishimoto does. 

So...uh...yeah. Enjoy the second chapter LiTtLe PeAnUtS (Hands up if you know who said it)



I woke up with harsh sunlight shining in my eyes. It took me a little while to adjust to it. After laying there for a few minutes, I slowly sat up on the bed. (Like in that episode where Sakura hugged Sasuke infront of a sad Naruto (I seriously started hating Sakura after that) ) I was actually surprised that no fangirls were here. I was personally happy with that. If there was one person I wanted here was...

Then I recalled on what happened before I passed out. I started freaking out inside. Is Naruto ok?! Where is he?! (I dunno why, I started laughing after imagining Sasuke's face with the title 'When realization hits you' above him-ok I'll leave now)

Just then I saw a note with a Lily on top on the little desk next to me. I frowned. 

'I swear on Kami, if this is a love letter, I'm going to-'

My eyes widened in shock as I read the letter.


                       Don't you dare think of this as a love letter when you read this! Because it's not! Anyway, I just wanted to say that, you were my best friend and rival, Sasuke. I didn't think a day will come for me to say this, but times with you Even though you put a hole in my chest, I'm not mad at you. I understand how you feel Sasuke. And now you might probably be thinking something like, "No Naruto, you don't understand me blah blah blah." Well, I don't care. Heh. BEAT THAT. I'M BETTER THAN YOU TEME! But anyways, I probably won't be seeing you again for a long time. You'll get to know the news. And please don't be mad or anything about it. Live a happy life with Konoha 11.

                                                                     Sayonara, Sasuke.


I didn't realize that my whole body was shaking while reading this. After I finished reading, tears started rolling down my face, on to the piece of paper. I've never cried for anything before. It's a part which kept my Uchiha pride in place, but now it's broken.

'You dobe.' I thought as I clenched my fists. 'You really did this to me, huh?'

I took a deep breath and calmed myself down.

'I don't care where ever the hell you go.' I thought and promised myself.

'I'm going to be right beside you.'

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