
Start from the beginning

She wink out of sudden.

Hana: Nah im good, not in the mood yet. I want to stay at home.

Minha: Well, what if i go to your house. Girls night?

Hana: That-

She was about to answer her question but then someone came. Two of the girls eyes are widen open with who came.

Renjun: I-

Minha: What the heck do you want.

She puts her food down, doesn't have an appetite to eat.

Renjun: Can i talk to Hana for a moment?

Minha: NO-

Minha almost wanting to put hands on him but Hana block her.

Hana: Minha, don't. Its fine.


Hana and Renjun sit on a bench, too awkward to face each other.

Renjun: I..i want to say im sorry. I just realized that how stupid im. I already heard this long time ago, but i kept thinking positive things. Thinking that Miju wouldn't do that. But, the backstory was a different kind. Weird, crazy, and more. Im sorry-

Hana: Stop saying you're sorry. I forgave you already. I was too dramatic these days. My mom must cringe watching this from up there.

Hana and Renjun suddenly giggled as they started face each other slowly.

Hana: Its fine, people makes mistakes these days. Just ignore it..and what happen to your girl-

Renjun: I broke up with her. I caught her cheating on me at the library. She is dating the guy named Soobin..?

Hana: Soobin is a mystery to me, he is the mc right? He said he is in the same class as me, but he is not there in mah class. Weird.


When the conversation was over, Renjun bring back Hana to her friend. But before he leave, Minha told him to come closer to her and she started to whisper in his ears. Hana was confused. After the whisper, Renjun blushed so hard and leave.

Minha: Even tho he is stupid, you pick the right man. He blushed so hard after i say it.

Hana: what did you say?

Minha: Nothing~~



Hana press the doorbell of her house. Tried knocking too but nobody opens the door. So she called her brother. Waiting..still waiting..and finally.

Hana: Hello? you there?

Chenle: Hm..yes noona why?


Chenle hang the call. Second later, the door finally opened. Chenle was a big mess. He is sleeping huh.

Chenle: Oh hey Minha noona..

He greets her tired-ly as the girl greets back. She sits down on her sofa, looking around her house, literally excited.

Minha: Wahh your house is like a palace!

Hana: Thx. Want some tea?

Minha: Sure!

Hana went to the kitchen to make her a cup of tea. When she is making it, Minha ask her a permission to walk around her house.

Hana: Go on, nothing cool in here anyways.

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