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All of a sudden, I see Thundergirl come in through the door? Why is she here in Swellview? Isn't she supposed to be back in Hiddenville? Thundergirl pulls out a staff from the bucket by the door. 

"Hold it right there, Muchachos!"

"Ah, thank the Gods! Ah!" The dude leaves. 

"Look miss, I don't know who you are but why don't you just-- Whoa!" Thundergirl just used her powers to toss Ray to the wall!

"Hey! How did you just make him fly across the room like that? That was cra-- Owww!" Now, she used it again to hit Hen with an object. 

"I'm harmless!" Char runs back to the back. Thundergirl sees me. 

"Don't even think about it!" Ray and Hen get back up. 

"Okay..." Hen picks up the object that Thundergirl used to knock him off his feet. 

"How did you make this fly off that table and hit me in my head? Oh, and why?"

"Quiet, Muchacho! Now, both of you, get on the ground!" She stupid, isn't she? Because why hasn't it hit her that Ray, Hen, and Char aren't the Muchachos? None of them speak in a Canadian accent while the real ones did. 

"Ugh, we don't wanna get on the ground!"

"We just got up." 

"And you're an idiot for a superhero!" 

"And we're not the Muchachos!" 

"You filthy Canadian liars. You jerks are an embarrassment to the other 99.9 percent of Canadians who are awesome."

"All right, I've had enough a'this girl." Same here. The bitch freezes Ray. Ray breaks free. 

"H-- how did you break free?" 

"By doing this." Ray repeats what he did. 

"But that's impossible." Hen reveals that he's not one of the Muchachos!

"Not for Captain Man."

"Kid Danger?" Ray reveals himself too. 

"D'ah! Hey."

"Captain Man?" Thundergirl drops the weapon. 

"Oh my gosh... Um... Kid Danger! I'm so sorry! Both of you! I ha... I didn't realize you guys were you! And who is the scary girl on the counter?" 

"Unofficial Hood Danger. Would be nice to meet you if you hadn't just hurt my friend and my boss."

"Wait a minute... Telekinetic powers, freeze breath, female... Are you the daughter of Thunder Man?"

"Uh, yeah!"

"Phreebie!" So close, yet so far, Ray.

"It's Phoebe." And Hen is taking pictures of her. 


"Wait, you know my dad?" Phoebe takes off her mask. 

"Of course. And hey, I'm so sorry. I would've gone to his funeral, but I had tickets to a ball game that weekend." Thunder Man's still alive, Ray. 

"Uh... my dad's not dead."

"Well, when he does die, if there's no ball game, I'll be there." 

"So, you're a superhero?" And Hen is trying to flirt with her. Eh, it might help get his mind off Bitchca. 

"Uh, well, no. Well, I-I mean, almost. Well, I mean-- Oh my gosh, I'm just so excited to meet you guys and why are you dressed like The Three Muchachos?" 

Superheros, Who needs them? |Henry Danger|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat