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"Captain Man!"


"These girls are dudes." This is seriously a Scooby Doo moment. Captain Man pulls off both of the wigs. 

"They are dudes." 

"Did you know they were dudes?" 

"I had no idea." 

"Now what?" 

"Well, now we can hit them as hard and as often as we want." 

"Then let's do that." Captain Man and Kid Danger start to fight the men. In the end, the men fall down. 


"And to think I was going to ask all three of you at the same time." Captain Man pulls out his phone out of the holster. 

"I guess you're going to call the cops on us now."

"Yeah, I am." 

"It's nine, one--" 

"I know the number." Ray calls the police that come to take the kids away to Juvie. 

Later at The Hart House

After dealing with those kids, we get Hen's prizes and head back to his house which Piper, Mr. Hart, and Jasper come home an hour later. It looks like they were able to fix his nose.




"What is all this?" 

"The prizes I won on the game show."

"Whoa. What's this thing?" Piper picks up the shark harpoon.

"It's for fighting sharks." 

"It's called a sharkpoon." 


"Oh, dad. This is my boss from Junk-n-Stuff."


"Ray Manchester." Why does Ray's last name sound like my mom's maiden name? Could it be possible? Nah. Well... Nah. 

"Oh yeah, great to finally meet you." 

"Yeah, you too. You have a beautiful wife. House. House." Smooth, Ray. Smooth.


"How does a sharkpoon work?" 

"Be careful with that." 

"'Be careful with that.'" Your fault if you get hurt, Piper.

"So how's your nose?" 

"Broken. But it's going to heal."

"And then will it look better or worse?" Charlotte!

"The same." 

"Sorry dude." 

"Okay people! Who's hungry for something gooood?" 


"I am."

"I am." 



"Okay, cool. Because we got... Hot yogurt!" 

"All right. Yeah." 

"Wow, you won a ho-yo machine?" 

"Yeah, dad." All of us expect for Piper grab a bowl of hot yogurt. 

Superheros, Who needs them? |Henry Danger|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat