Part 12

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November 2021 - 5 months in Monaco


I was just finishing making a sandwich for lunch when I decided to message Dan asking if he'd be back in time to join me. He had responded instantly saying he would and that he'd be here soon. I quickly made one for him and brought both plates into the living area and sat down on the sofa.

The butterflies in my stomach were making me so nauseous. I'd never been this nervous to see Dan again. I don't know why I was so nervous, he clearly felt something more than friendship for me, otherwise he wouldn't have kissed me. And that night after Monaco? Even drunk, you don't do that with a friend unless you're into them.

But what do I do when he gets here? Wait for him to make a move? Run up and kiss him? Everything in me was screaming to do the latter but my brain was telling me not to rush him. Part of me just felt that something was off. Maybe it was because he hadn't messaged me as much while he was gone this time and that was not normal.

My apartment door opening brought me out of my thoughts a few minutes later. I sat up a little straighter and quickly brushed some hair out of my face. "Hey I'm in the living room!" I shouted. I felt a smile fall onto my lips so naturally as I waited for him to walk in.

The second I saw him, my smile faltered a little. That wasn't his usual smile. Something was off.
"Hey" he said, a little emotionless. I got off the couch and walked over to him and gave him a hug, but it didn't feel right. He barely put his arms around me and only briefly.

"Everything ok?" I asked him when he pulled away.
"Yeah, all good" he faked a small smile and joined me on the couch.

We talked a little about his trip and the work he did while back at the MTC but it was just small talk. He then said he was a bit tired from the flight and just like that, he left to go unpack. No mention of the kiss or even making plans for dinner or to hang out or anything. I was so confused.

*End of flashback*

That had been a few weeks ago. While we had seen each other since then, we hadn't talked about that kiss. I had waited for him to bring it up, but he didn't and I could tell something was on his mind so I decided against bringing it up myself. But I missed him so much it hurt.

Since he'd been back, we hadn't cuddled or slept over at each other's places again. He'd been so distant since he got back. He wasn't as affectionate as he was before he left, and it was really bothering me how much I missed it. Lately, I've realized just how strong my feelings for Daniel are. I was falling for him. And just as things seemed to be going in the right direction, he stops our progress and doesn't give me a reason as to why. Instead, he just pretends like nothing happened.

Today, we were going hiking with some of his friends. I was excited to see Blake and Michael again. I was also secretly hoping maybe one of them could tell me what was going on with Dan. One of them must know something. I decided Michael was my best bet since I've learned he's a big softie. I bet I could coax it out of him.

"Ready?" Dan asked as he opened my apartment door.

"Yeah, be there in a second!" I shouted from my bedroom. I'd put on a sports bra and one of Dan's merch shirts he'd given me along with a pair of leggings that made my ass look fantastic. Was I trying to tease Dan? Maybe. But only because I was hoping to get some sort of reaction from him again. I needed to atleast try to make him do something again.

I walked out of my bedroom and grabbed my backpack and put on my hiking shoes, being sure to pick them up a little slower than usual knowing Dan may have been watching. He stood by the door waiting for me. When I was ready to go, all I got was a neutral "you look nice". Well, I'll take what I can get I guess.

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