Chapter 1. The beginning.

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[The story takes place after Artanis and the Queen of Blades decided to team up to kill the Hybrids in the Xel'naga]

-It looks like faith has drawn us together, - said Artanis. -You should not attempt it further, - Artanis adviced Kerrigan but she glances at him and walks away to explore the Xel'naga.

As they fight Amon's creations, they go further and further. Meanwhile in another dimension, autobots aren't resting but fighting decepticons as always. Who knew something could go wrong?
As autobots fight, Optimus asks Ratchet to open the ground bridge. But when autobots' portal appears, Decepticons, somewhy, open their portal close enough to another one, without knowing what could happen in the end.
As a result, two portals start sucking everything close to the while they start getting smaller and closer to each other. Then, a small explosion ends the process and both, autobots and Decepticons, get thrown away from the place where the portal was. Fortunately for them, nobody was sucked in and teleported into "fourth" dimension, but they didn't know at first, that the portal appeared in the Xel'naga and teleported Artanis and Kerrigan with some Hybrids into their dimension. The Queen of Blades and Hierarch were separated, but not far away from each other. Autobots and decepticons
return to their bases after the accident and leave the new guests alone until they find a weird signal coming from the place where it all happened. As they come back they meet the guests from another dimension...

-Arcee, have you found something?

-Not yet, Optimus. I'm still checking, - said Arcee as she sees Kerrigan's wings behind the trees that remind her of her enemy, Arachnid. Then, in rage, she gets her arm blade opened and attacks the Queen of Blades. However, Kerrigan can not be easily defeated and uses her psyonic powers to throw Arcee away. Because it happened so fast, she didn't understand it was far not Arachnid, but Kerrigan. She thought the signal was an artifact and Arachnid got it first.

-I faced an enemy and need help, - said Arcee on the com-link as Ratchet opens the ground bridge and Bumblebee with Smokescreen run out of it.

-You all aren't like Amon's creations..
As soon as Kerrigan comes out of them they stare at her as they are ready to fight.
-Who are you? - asked Arcee.

-Wait, you don't know her? I thought she was some other kind of human, your friends, - said Smokey as Arcee glances at him madly.
Suddenly they hear a loud scream and a Hybrid stands in front of them..

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