The Decision

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"Where was I going again?" Terry asked,

"North East Harbor," Jack answered, "Don't do anything stupid, Kid, I want you back alive."

Jack watched Terry head for the hoverpads, he was a natural, hiding and hanging himself out of sight so he could gather whatever intel he needed. Experience breeds caution though, and the green horn was found after not paying attention to his surroundings. Jack had a moment of tension as he watched the boy fly, something that had taken Bruce months to perfect, Terry had figured out in hours. He came flying at his assailants, bowling them over in a full body tackle.

"Nice strike, kid," Jack grinned, "Don't get cocky."

Terry was facing Powers and his right hand Man, trying to tell them off, demanding them to shut down. He was in the middle of attempting to arrest Fixx when he was blown aside, sending the boy careening into some equipment.

"Word of advice, an unconscious man doesn't fight back," Jack said, "Best just to leave the speeches to be villains."

"Thanks in advance," Terry snarked, bouncing out of the way of another attack. He fought his way out of the machine's grip and went after Powers head on, desperately trying to stop the transport that was already in the air.

"Now might be a good time for me to call Barb, what do you think kid?" Jack said, already picking up the phone, "Kid?"

"WHAT!?" Terry yelled out, "I'm kind of busy!"

"Where did Powers go?" Jack tried to talk over the air rushing through Terry's ears but it seemed impossible, despite the noise dampeners in the suit, aircraft engines would always be louder.

"He got blasted with his own Chemical Gas! I don't know if he's still alive down there!" Terry shouted, "Last I saw him he was still breathing...HA!"

Terry had clawed himself up the craft and found the hatch leading inside, he threw the guards out and into the harbor, leaving them to swim back to shore. Jack giggled, remembering the amount of times he had been thrown, none too gently, out of airplanes by Batman. He didn't have time to reminisce though, Terry was fighting Fixx and the larger man was winning. Jack held his breath, there was very little he could do for the young man here. Fixx was using electric knuckles, swinging crippling blows at Terry with punishing results. Terry was finally able to get the man in a lock, throwing him back and falling against the wall.

"You're pretty strong, for a clown who thinks he's Batman," Fixx taunted.

"I Am Batman," Terry snarled, his voice demanding that title as he pushed Fixx back, putting his all into his final rush of blows and sending Fixx into the control panel. Jack was both in awe and terrified as Terry's eyes aimed for the sky again, out of the water and into the air, his breathing coming out in labored pants. Jack turned off the feed, finally checking back into reality so he could call Barbara and let her know what had just happened.

"You better have a good explanation for this, Jack," Barbara drawled, "Why am I getting calls about some kid flying around in a bat costume?"

"First off, I did nothing, the flying rat broke into the house, might want to head for the harbor and...bring poison control or at least a gas mask," Jack shrugged, "Kid is good."

"I'm going to pretend I have no idea what kid you are talking about, why didn't you stop him, Jack?" Barbara sighed, "We don't need Batman."

"I wasn't even in the house, Babs!" Jack snapped, "I was at the hospital, did you know that Powers cut funding?"

"Is that what happened?" She asked, "That explains a lot."

"Oh, wait until Friday, I am sitting on a minefield of information, it's going to be good," Jack said "But yeah, that mess you are driving for? Poisonous gas everywhere, will kill you, don't get out of the car...might want to tell everyone else that too."

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