Part 2 = Continuation.

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Author's note |Hey guys! This is the second part as you can see. Sorry for the mistakes if there's any. Part 3 is coming soon, so you have to wait for awhile. Thanks and enjoy. 🤗

"It's going to be okay, May." Toomes said.

And he was right. Sort of. Peter wasn't hurt by any means. He was just cold and hungry. And maybe a bit lonely. But otherwise he was fine.

The sun had begun to rise. It wasn't raining and the wind was warm. Peter should leave, before the weather gets colder. Peter got up and started to look around. Soon he discovered that he was lost. He couldn't remember which way he had come.

He wasn't panicking, no. Definitely not panicking. He refused to accept that.
He took a deep breath and counted to ten, and let go. Just like his uncle had told him.

Oh, he was screwed. He didn't even have his phone with him. God. What should he do? Man, This is exactly what his uncle had said not to do! "Don't go into the woods without a way to contact other people. " Uncle Ben had said. But of course he had forgotten it. But who can blame him? He was four.

Peter started to walk somewhere, he just picked a way and started to walk that way. It had to lead somewhere.

And he was right. He had walked a while, when he saw something behind a tree. He got closer and closer. Until a big old house got into his view.
The house must be from the 1800's. He has never seen a house in such a poor condition.

Although the house wasn't in great shape, Peter still liked it. It had a certain vibe to it. The house made Peter feel kind of.. safe. Peter should've gone away, but he felt an attraction to the house. Like the house was pulling him towards it.

When he was by the door, Peter didn't know if he should knock or not, but he did anyway. He knocked on the door once, twice but nothing. The house seemed to be empty. Peter tried the handle and it was locked. Peter gave up and started to walk away from the door but stopped, when he heard the door open slowly. The old hinges creaked loudly and it wasn't a very pleasing sound.

He turned around and saw the door wide open.
Peter was sceptical at first, but gathered a little courage and stepped inside.

And oh, wow. The house was beautiful. There were these ruined curtains that brought little light into the room. There was also a red carpet that went into different rooms.

But most importantly, the carpet led into a huge living room. The couch was in the middle and right in front of it was a table. About nine feet away was the fireplace. Oddly enough, it was on.

Staring at it questionly, Peter walked towards it and sat on the couch. It was soft and tan colored. But what stood out the most was that although the couch was very old, it didn't have any dust on it. It was like it was cleaned weekly.
Now that Peter thought about it, the whole house was clean.

As Peter began to realise what was going on, he heard a voice. Not from furniture, but a human.

"Can I help you, or something?"

Author's note | Cliffhanger! I've always wanted to do that. 😁
To whom does the voice belong to? 👀
I guess you have to find out in the next part.
Thank you for reading and stay tuned for the next part. Bye!😘

STARKER Story ( I Haven't Decided A Name Yet) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang