love, M.

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"There is a certain element of truth behind everything that people do. And everything behind those, it tells you a little something about them."

What I've been loving to do whenever I finished a book is to write this kind of closing letter. I don't know why but maybe, it gives me the chance, the freedom to finally speak up my thoughts and sentiments as we, together, witnessed the flow of another story made behind it's said title.

Just A Fleet, the 3 of 4 of my series taught me a lot of things. I also have to be honest that among the first two (Just A Thrill and Just A Nobody) this one made me experience the first hand enjoyment while writing this installment. Maybe it's about the different characteristics of each of my character that has been mentioned here.

Differences. First of the things that I have learned is, we really do have this no matter how we think that we, is a perfect match to someone we do like. And so for me, differences will lead into many ways; just like how we, at times don't get one another or can also be like how we see things but the other's also has their different kind of point of views in life, opinions,  and sometimes critiques that can often be a root of misunderstanding and misleading of someone's thought and perspectives.

Augustus made his part clear for admitting how he, often, easily, and possibly can be tired of something whenever it's no longer could help him, or someone's personal growth. The same with Anohana how she has been vocal with her thoughts, with her feelings. The very first reason why Augustus liked her despite of their differences.

Differences will mold someone's sensitivity. Para sa akin kasi, kung alam mo 'yong pinagkaibahan ng isang tao, o 'yong pagkakaiba mo sa kanila, naturally, the sensitivity of our mind will take its part not to hurt or even to offend someone.

"But things can happened and it goes beyond uncontrollable."

Just like how Augustus and Anohana hurted each other with the impulsiveness by their actions and through their said words. We can say things when we are angry, the same it goes like how they speak to each other whenever things gets rough for the both of them.

Totoong minsan at madalas, ang salita ay literal na nakakasakit. This, for me, could be a reminder how we should at least, remain rational despite of everything or what people could throw towards us. Because staying calm in the midst of chaos, in the midst of someone's no respect, that's beyond to be called power.

"Nobody is perfect. And the mistakes people could do will only lead into one thing; mistakes were made for us to learn it's delivered lesson."

You might still wonder why I continuously writing stories (probably only here in this series) with no happy endings. That's because for me, I want to reach out this thought of mine that a story can also be beautiful one despite of lacking something. Hindi lang naman ibig sabihin na kapag nagkatuluyan na ang dalawang bida, 'yon na ang happy ending.

Happy endings could also be a start of someone's growth. Of someone's change, of someone's development and bloom without having the idea that the two leading characters will still end up until the end. Second, I also want this to be a reminder that no one is made perfect. Everyone is flawed, even things, just like this story. But know that even broken pieces also could still and be a pretty one- only if we take time to appreciate what truly beauty is.

Augustus Forebears made his mistake by lying his true identity to Anohana. Although rest assure and one thing is for sure, that guy still regretting things. He regret hurting the girl he ever loved. That's the lesson I've been wanted to share. Dahil walang tao ang hindi nagsisisi. Especially from his or her own mistake and the pain he inflected to someone.

"People can only meet you as deeply as they've met themselves."

So as for Anohana, I know that this girl is still healing from the things she don't speak about. Yet, she still chose to move forward. For her own sake and maybe to finally set herself free from the painful things she ever gone through.

And the most wonderful thing that happened to this story is the fact that both Anohana and Augustus still met at the right time but at the wrong place even though they've caused each other's pain and heartaches. At least, the two of them still had given the chance to appreciate, to value, and to love each other.

"It's okay to have wasted time on people who weren't 'the one.' How can you know what is right for you, without first learning what is wrong?"

As I end this story, I hope everyone could somehow realize things. I hope somehow, everyone reading this will learned the lesson what the story served us.

Gusto ko lang rin ipa-alam sa inyo na hindi kailanman nagsisi si Anohana na mahalin si Augustus. Kahit na, sa huli, kinailangan niya pa rin bitawan ito. She was his first. She was afraid to take the risk but she still did, because of her love and compassion. And because she was brave enough and because she also believes in the quote I quoted above.

Thank you, my love. Thank you again for reaching this far. Your sentiments and thoughts means a lot to me. I read comments from time to time as it serves it as my motivation, my inspiration, and drive to continue. Writing this series put me in a place where I could do my passion as well as I could learn things such as new lessons; about consistency, growth, to love more, to became more understanding.

This has been my solace, writing. I hope, I could also bring peace to your nights as we fight some silent battles we chose to deal in darkness. Maraming- maraming salamat. Mahal ko kayo at halong kamo permi.

"Without all the ache, without all the tears, we wouldn't have grown so much."

So it's okay. It's okay to cry, it's okay to show vulnerability. And it's okay not to be okay. As long as we can get back from ourselves, with more bravery and fearlessness.

Just A #3 is finally taking it's part. Thank you so much for supporting this one until the end. Next will be the last installment, the fourth one. See you, there!

Dedicating this book to one of my best of friends, Kyla. Thank you for sharing your wonderful story. It's been an honor for me to write this, of course, with your whole permission and love. Love you. xoxo.

Follow me on twitter (msciiwp) since I will also post there some of the more songs Augustus sent to Anohana. Yes, hindi lang dalawang kanta. Kundi marami pa. *mwhehehe* ++ a little trivia from the voice messages you probably have listened to, it was the real voice of real Augustus :) so. . .

let's all feel the pain

Love, M.

Just A FleetTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon