Mohini looked at Raj, while he looked at his wife back "ANURAG" they yelled...

"Dad mom yes it's true I love Anurag" she said it without any stuttering. She was so done hiding it from her parents..

"Anurag is such a nice boy, Yash why do you fight with Raj? We can actually tie the knot of our barbie with his elder son" Arti wondered only to recieve a glare from her husband..

"Mom you actually don't need to tie them because--" Nandini stopped in a mid staring at her little twin "Mom well actually we've fulfilled your wish I and Anurag are already married" Mannat completed the sentence..

"What did you just say? Are you fucking out of your mind Mannat?" She flinched at Yash's tone then composed herself "No dad I am in my sane state of mind and also I am adult you can't force me in anything" she completed her sentence..

"Doll did you know about this?" Arti asked her another daughter "Just got to know in today's morning" Nandini sighed out "Damnn our life has become so dramatic" rolling her eyes Nandini went to her room..

"What was that?" Yash was flabbergasted..

"Your daughter has married to your rivals son secretly" Arti replied in duh tone only to recieved a frustrated sigh from her husband..

After talking with his pa Anurag dialled Mannat's number but she didn't pick the call. Thou he somewhere knew that she was upset and her parents know about the blunder they did..

But the damage was already done and now he wasn't scared anymore he was ready to face anything..

Anurag's eyes fell on Raj who was sitting in the mini bar at the corner of living room, chugging the alcohol down.. He rolled his eyes finding it dramatic "Don't you think you should sleep dad? It's late" He voiced walking towards him..

"Don't you think you should keep your mouth shut son" Raj snapped back in the same tone pouring himself another glass..

"Why are you being so dramatic? You didn't come for dinner as well you--" He was interrupted by his dad..

"I am being dramatic? Seriously? Anu why don't you go and sleep? I am so done with you" Raj let out a frustrated groan..

Sighing Anurag sat down on the stool and grabbed another glass pouring himself alcohol adding ice cubes to it. "No thanks I am not in mood to share drink with you" Raj said again..

"It's not like I am snatching your glass" Anurag retorted.. "I am making one for myself"

"I guess there is party going on and that too without me? Aye very bad" They turned their heads to found Manik walking towards them clad in his PJ's which has minion prints eyes sleepy and messy hairs caressing his forhead..

"Soraha tha na tu? Utha kyu? (You were sleeping right? Why did you wakeup?)" Anurag asked his Baby Malhotra..

"I don't know" He answered and took a seat.. "Dad make one for myself as well" Manik cheekily request to his dad which was more like an order..

"Naukar hu tera ?" Raj grumbled glaring at his younger son..

(Do I look like your slave?)

"Yeah fine I'll make one for myself" saying Manik grabbed the royal collection which was sealed as well..

"Manik keep that down don't you dare to open it" Raj scolded Manik who was unfazed..

"It's time to drink this one dad we got such a big news today our Anu is married already it's celebration time" before raj could even make a move Manik opened the bottle taking a sip and next second he coughed out spilling everything on Anurag's shirt..

"What the fuck Manik yakkkk yakkk?" He yelled getting up..

"Yakkk dad this tastes blahh and damnn you spend so much in this" He put the bottle down while Raj was ready to burst out on them..
At first he was way too angry on Anurag knowing the stunt he has had pulled and secondly Manik un sealed the rare collection and wasted it as well without his permission..

"You two out of my sight before I beat the shit out of both of them" Hearing Raj's shout the twins stared at each other in horror..

"Run Anuuu" Manik shouted out and grabbed two bottles of beer before running upstairs with Anurag running behind him..

Raj stomped his feet in frustration and thought why did he forgot to use protection that night?

The outcome which was the twins whom he loved dearly now started irritating him but he knew he still loves them it's just that he was angry on Anurag a bit and about the royal collection he knew he would force Manik to get him another one..

He looked at the floor to found the alcohol which made him groan again. He took the mop and cleaned it knowing how concious his wife was and if she saw it then she would going to make him clean whole house..

"Nice body Oldie Malhotra but I have better than yours" Manik let out when Anurag walked out of the washroom dumping the stained shirt on the laundry bag..

"The fuck what are you doing in my bedroom?" Manik grinned before taking a sip of alcohol "It's not like I came here to looting your izzat"

"You and your language" Anurag muttered before taking out another t-shirt..

Just then Anurag's phone rang which was laying beside Manik flashing "Minnie"

Manik grinned grabbing the phone he picked the call putting it on speaker "Hello Mannat bhabhi (sister in law) I hope you are doing well go and sleep good night Anurag can't talk with you now I and my bro is doing party here with loads of beer" Manik said in a go over the phone call while Anurag's eyes widened..

"That asshole doing party with you huh? And here my parents aren't talking with me?" They heard Mannat's yell from the other side which made Manik laughed out loud..

Manik was finding all these things so funny and amusing.. And when Mannat cursed his elder brother he broke into another fits of laughter his eyes were full of tears due to the intensity of continuous laugh..

"Mannat no I am not partying Manik is lying" He snatched the phone from Manik and hastily said.

"Go and fuck yourself don't talk to me" Mannat hang up the call while Anurag pounced on Manik..

"I fucking hate you male bitch" Anurag yelled..

Okay firstly don't expect any high voltage drama 🌝🌝 The genre is humor so it would have more of funny scenes.

I laughed way too much writing this chapter!

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I don't know when I will update the next chapter 🌚 I am so busy these days and right now I am in the middle of online class 🌚

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