CHAPTER THREE: Unmasking the Truth

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Being held captive by someone was something neither of the Dameron brothers had experienced too much of before. There had been times on certain occasions where they had to in order for missions, or were and it was barely any time spent in captivity, but being taken by The First Order, by Kylo Ren himself, that was something neither of them expected to happen. That was something neither of them had ever wished to happen. That was something neither of them thought they could escape.

Brady knew he would fight and try to make sure they don't get to him. After all, he did stand up to Ren saying that the Resistance wouldn't be intimidated by him. But what the 'dark lord' said back to him surprised him, but also said words of truth. Yes, Brady would be intimidated by him. He regretted the pit that planted itself in his stomach, fear and unsettling feelings rooting deep. He had no control over it though.

The ride to the Command Ship they were going to be taken to was stretched long. It could've just felt that way because of the unending silence that lay in that room. Brady made various comments about the silence, but none of the stormtroopers answered them. It was like they were afraid to. Brady finally gave up making any of them cooperate with his personality when Poe stared back at him from across the transport shuttle. 

His brother looked beat, both by war, their past, the beating that constantly stood on his face, and by what had just happened at Jakku. Man, Brady hated that planet so much. Definitely his least favorite out of all of the galaxies.

When they had finally landed, all cuffed up, two stormtroopers on either side of Brady, holding him in, they exited out of the transport shuttle. The thought came back that Brady wouldn't give up without a fight. 

Poe seemed to help by being semi-noncompliant, but when they stepped fully out of the shuttle, and stepped onto the flooring of the Command Ship, he looked around in complete awe of the whole ship. 

Brady was completely awed by their location as well, this was something he'd wanted to see for a long time, but knew would never be able to under any circumstances that could have been good. He also knew better than to let them see anything past him. As the best spy the Resistance had ever seen, you need to know when and when not to show emotion. Showing that he was in awe of the area he was in right then, was a time not to show emotion. He'd gotten quite good at keeping emotion in as well. It was something that, at this point, came unnaturally natural to him.

But when they were transported and stuck in rooms he knew could only be used for interrogation, he knew someone had to have recognized the fear that laced his eyes. Poe certainly did. He took his attention right off of the area and straight to his little brother.

But they could only do so much to fight when they couldn't even move a muscle.


Even through the mask PTR-416 could smell FN-2003's blood on his helmet. He hated it. It made him feel weak, vulnerable, his muscles ached with pain he had no knowing of indentifying how he received that pain in the first place. It was just there. His breathing was deep and labored, harbored from the shock and internal pain he was in. Beside him, he could hear FN-2187 huffing as well. It was somewhat reassuring to know he wasn't the only shocked by the aftertaste of what being a storm trooper truly was.

The two stood there for a moment as some others escorted the two resistance prisoners out of one of their shuttles and into wherever they were to be kept. Once they passed though, PTR-416 took a quick, labored breath before softly saying to his fellow stormtrooper, "I can't do this."

FN-2187 shook his head. The meaning could've been what PTR-416 wanted or could've been what he dreaded. But when the FN unit grabbed his armored arm, pulling him to where they could've had more privacy, and took off his own bloody helmet, PTR-416 knew it was what he wanted.

FN-2187's dark skin shone bright with sweat. When PTR-416 took his own helmet off, unmasking himself, he notice himself too was sheen with sweat. His hair was damp from it as well, sticking to his forehead. 

They weren't allowed to have their masks off. It had something to do with some code or order. Something that had happened during the clone wars when the first troops were established. No one paid much attention to the olden days anymore. Pasts were not something people liked to relive.

"We can't do this anymore," PTR-416 huffed out, gasping deeply, still lost at breath. "It's not right."

"No," FN-2187 agreed. "This is so far from right, I can't even understand it."

"The-the-the power of-of killing someone, holding that gun, finger on the trigger, it's just..." The PTR stumbled with his words, not exactly sure how to express himself at the moment.

"Nauseating." FN-2187 knew exactly what the younger unit was thinking. "Deadly."


"FN-2187, PTR-416," they heard a robotic woman's voice behind them. Both of them hid it well, but inside they quivered with fear.  Captain Phasma. "Submit your blaster for inspection."

"Yes, Captain," both stormtroopers said at the same time. PTR-416 looked away though. Although he was trained and had abilities much further than most other troopers, he hid his flaws terribly. He could not share the knowledge of how frightened Captain Phasma made them.

"And who gave you two permission to remove those helmets?"

"I'm sorry, Captain," FN-2187 replied. PTR-416, though, did not utter another word, for her knew that he was not sorry for taking it off. He was only sorry for the bloodshed they had caused.

"Report to my division at once." Captain Phasma left

Exchanging one last glance at each other, the two storm troopers took a deep breath, and put their helmets back on. 

Both of them knew one thing coming out of this experience: never again would they do what they did on Jakku that day. Never again.

Author's Note:

So yes. I'm back to writing again. The first part of this chapter was written before I took that temporary break, and I do believe that writing is better, but honestly, I'm so glad to be writing again. I'm very excited to be developing this story and the characters because I love them all so much I can't even explain it. Next chapter I am going to introduce Nic to all of you, and I can't express in any way how excited I am for it. I love her with my heart and soul. If you are wondering why I am starting to write again, I will tell you that I just have had a sudden motivation I guess. The boy I talked so passionately about in my author's notes and posts before broke up with me because he thought that we are better as friends. It hurts, but I have found out that I am much better off without him. In some ways, when I was with him, I was holding myself back. Now I'm not, and I'm actually happy. And I didn't realize it until now, but I can't even tell you how many people have told me that I deserved better from the beginning, and the amount of people, unexpected people even, who have been there for me through this break up. Writing has always been an escape from reality for me, and I really need that escape now. So shoutout to wattpad and the writing community in general for giving me this general opportunity to put my work out there. It means a lot.

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