"Then stay here, with me. We can be happy, because I love you!"

"FRED STOP! PLEASE! I LOVE SOMEONE ELSE!" I said. I lost it. I covered my mouth. He stumbled back a bit in shock.

"Who? My awful brother?"

"That is none of your business. Now put me back on earth. This isn't your decision, it's mine."

"Granger, you don't understand how hard it will be...."

"I know. I'm sorry. But I have stayed here long enough." I said with a tear threatening to escape. He nodded and sighed.

"Just... Know that I love you, and I can see you so I will be checking up on you"

I looked up at him "you haven't looked at me while I was in the shower, have you?" I said with my arms over my chest and a raised eyebrow. He just smirked and winked. I hit him on the arm

"Ow! I'm kidding"

"Haha I know"

"Hermione? Please tell George about me. Okay?" He said a little sad. I felt a lump welling up in my throat.

"Of course. I promise."

"Thank you." He said. He took my head in his hands and placed his lips on my forehead. We just sat there for a minute soaking it in. He let go and tilted my head up, I felt a a tear escape my eyes which he caught with his thumb

"Goodbye Hermione." And he let go of my head.....

Everything was white. That's all I saw... Was white.

Draco POV:
We arrived at the library and I then realized I didn't know what this girls name was

"Hey, I don't think I caught your name?"

"Oh where are my manners. I'm Luna, Luna Lovegood"

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Luna Lovegood" I said shaking her hand. Luna smiled and looked over at a bookcase to see Neville watching us. He gave me a warning look, a look I had never seen from him before

"I must go. Sorry I can't stay any longer" she said in her dreamy voice.

"Not a problem." I said. She smiled and walked off towards Neville, who was still glaring at me. I turn around headed to a bookcase to see Potter and Ginny. Ginny walked up to me.

"We are about to go check on Hermione. Wanna join us?"

I sighed "well I don't have anything else to do. I just came here because it reminded me of...her"

"Okay let's go." Then me Potter and Ginny where all walking to the Hospital wing. Ginny walked ahead of me and Potter.

"So I hear you and Hermione are friends now?"

I shrugged my shoulders "yeah I guess"

"Well, any friend of Hermione is a friend of mine. So are we good?" He said holding his hand out for me to shake. I shook it.

"I suppose. " I said. We arrived at the hospital wing to see Hermione laying there limp, like she was before.

"Oh shoot! Hey Harry will you please go back to the common room and get my scarf? I left it on the couch." Ginny said. Harry sighed and nodded. When he left the room Ginny turned to me and smiled

"Hermione is going to wake up. Don't worry."

"I know she will."

"Good. I wish you and Harry where friends so I wouldn't have to sneak around just to talk to you. People might get the wrong idea."

"Well apparently we are friends." I said. She looked shocked

"Really? Hm. Well that's good"


"Okay well I'm going to go. I think you and her have some catching up to do" she said smiling.

"Thanks. Bye"

"Bye" she said. Then she walked out of the room. I walked over next to Hermione and sat down.

It was already late, I don't know how long I have been sitting here. I fell asleep. But then.... Her heart monitor started beeping like crazy, I woke up and took her hand.

"Granger? Hey?! Granger?!" I said. I took her head in my hands and her eyes flickered open and she looked at me. I was so happy, there where no words to describe it.

"Dr- Draco?" She said. She grabbed my arm and grinned. I felt tears escape my eyes and run down my cheeks. They did for her too. I leaned forward and kissed her cheek.

"You scared the hell out of all of us!"

"Sorry. I have such a story about half heaven, you are never going to believe it."

"What's half heaven?"

Hermione POV:

I looked around then noticed Draco with his hands on my face.

"Dr-Draco?" I said. I grabbed his arm and smiled. Tears ran Down our cheeks. He leaned forward and kissed my cheek

"You scared the hell out of all of us!"

"Sorry. I have such a story about half heaven, you are never going to believe it."

"What's half heaven?"

"Oh it's....." Then he put his finger over my lips.

"Hold on. I need to tell Madam Pofery and the others." He said. I raised an eyebrow

"Look at you, caring for others" I said. He snickered.

"Just stay here love." He said. He called me love, that made me feel good inside.

"Okay" I said blushing a little. Then he let go of my face and walked out of the room.


I'm sooooooooooo sorry for not updating! You have no idea how sorry I am! I'm on vacation, then I got sick and didn't feel like writing, and I had school. Just UGH!! I hope you liked this chapter.

Question: what are your favorite ships?

My answer: Dramione, Geormione, Histrid, Jelsa, and Beaven.

I love you guys so much!!!!


~Slytherin is LYFE~

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