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"You idiot! What did I tell you?" Yaku scolded, following it up with a slap across the taller boy's head. To the side, Kai looked helplessly between his two friends and Lev just laughed.

"Hi, Kuroo-san." I greeted him, feeling a little bad about the lack of respect from the team, despite him being their captain.

"Why, hello, Shiro-chan," he replied, rubbing the back of his head. "What are you up to tonight?"

I quickly explained how Kenma found me, conveniently leaving out the part where I got ditched by my own boyfriend. It was already humiliating enough that Kenma knew, I didn't want to bring the rest of the team into this.

"I'm just here to pick up the stray cat." Kuroo gestured towards the pudding haired boy before offering. "Would you like to come with us? I don't know what we're gonna do next but I can make it fun."

I looked towards Kenma, who smiled and nodded. "You should come. It'll be more entertaining than waiting here."

He had a point. I knew I was supposed to be waiting for Keiji but I was getting bored and, not to mention, increasingly anxious.

"But if you want to wait here, I'll stay with you." Kenma added, waiting for my response.

"It's alright, I'll come." I quickly answered. I was selfish, but not selfish enough to keep him here with me when he could be spending time with his friends. Besides, if Keiji wanted to find me, he could always just give me a call.

"Perfect!" Kuroo beamed. Swinging one arm around Kenma and the other around me, the taller boy eagerly herded us through the street.

We navigated the festival, with Kuroo acting as a tour guide, stopping at just about every food stand and playing pretty much every game available. Although shooting with an air rifle was completely different from sniping in game, it was exciting nonetheless. And despite consistently losing to Kenma, I was happy as long as I wasn't last. That honour was reserved for the one and only Lev Haiba.

"Do you ever stop eating?" Yaku asked, as Lev downed two more bowls of yakisoba.

"If I did, I would be as short as you, Yaku-san." The first-year replied thoughtlessly, unaware that he had just dug his own grave.

"What did you say? Would you like to repeat that?" The libero yelled, launching a barrage of kicks at the taller boy.

And Lev was about to, if Kai hadn't stepped in to prevent further bloodshed. Meanwhile, Kenma smiled in amusement, enjoying the entertainment. There were two types of evil people in this world; those who do bad things, and those who watch bad thing be done and do nothing. Our beloved setter belonged in the second category.

"You're evil." I told him, before biting into my tayaki.

"I thought you knew that already." He replied with a devilish smile.

I laughed. "Evil and unashamed, I see."

"I guess that's another way of describing it," he shrugged. His hand closed around mine, pulling it closer to him. Leaning down, he took a bite of the tayaki in my hand. And it was a massive bite, might I add.

My eyes darted between the half-eaten snack in my hand and the half-blonde boy with a shit-eating grin on his face. "Did you even ask?" I asked in an aggressive manner. Perhaps I was even over-aggressive but I couldn't be blamed. After all, he of all people should be aware of how thin my patience was when it came to food.

"Why, would you have said 'yes' if I asked?" The grin turned into a rather cocky smirk. His golden eyes narrowed like those of a cat.

I frowned suspiciously. Was Kenma teasing me or did he want something? "It depends."

𝐌𝐘 𝐈𝐍-𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 [Kozume Kenma]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon