Part 1 = Beginning.

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Author's note| sorry if there's mistakes, English is not my first language. And this is the first fic I've written.

Also this is a STARKER fanfic so if you don't like it, you don't need to read it. Everyone else, enjoy. (^з^) thanks😘


He didn't mean to run away, but he was scared. His aunt, May, had made a stupid promise to a rich old dude. His last name was something like tome..toome? Toomes! His first name started with an A. Peter couldn't quite remember.

Ever since Peter's uncle had been killed, they've had problems about money.
The promise was that if Peter married the rich person's daughter, he and May could live with them in their mansion and have all kinds of things. They would live in luxury.

Peter didn't want that. He wanted to make his own choices. He knew it was selfish. And if he would accept the deal, they would be happy and never worry about whether they had enough money to have a roof over their heads.

And that leads to this moment. Tears in his eyes, running in the woods. Away from his problems.
Peter began to slow down his speed, when he heard his stomach grumble. He was getting tired. Not only from running, but also from the lack of food.

The sun was setting, and it was beginning to get dark real fast. He had to find somewhere to stay the night.

Peter walked about 5 minutes, when it started to rain. A lot. Soon Peter found a cave where he could stay. It was small, but it was big enough to fit a bear in it. Not that there were any. It was just a lonely dark cave.

Peter sat in the far back of the cave, where the rain couldn't touch him. When he was relaxed enough, he started to think about these couple of hours. The way May had looked, when he refused the deal angrily and slammed the door closed on the way out.

He also thought about his best friend Harry. They had known each other for a long time. Harry and Peter had met in high school.

But let's not get into that. Maybe next time. Anyway... As Peter began to slowly fall asleep, May, his aunt, was worrying, thinking, crying about whether or not his nephew was safe.

She knew she should've waited before she'd tell him. But she didn't. Now she had to be patient. Peter wasn't a toddler anymore. He could survive out there.. In the cold.. Alone.. All by himself, and oh no, now she began to worry even more. Great.

May sat down on a sofa. She was currently at the rich dude's mansion. When the man had heard that Peter ran away, he had said to May she was welcome to stay in his home and he would send a search party to look for Peter.

Author note | Hey, I hope you like this first chapter. I really liked to write this. I'll make more chapters, when I have more time. Thank you and hope you Enjoyed. 🥰

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