(13) Undead Heart Beats - Present

Start from the beginning

Esme didn't know where Belle had came from but accepted her much like Carlisle did. She was happy to have another to call daughter and was even willing to treat her like one. She worried for her like she would for the others.

She tried making foods even if she couldn't taste it to see if it turned out right. She would watch as Belle gave her a smile complimenting the meal and ate it. Sometimes she would see Belle force Bella and Mike to eat the food as well just to please her.

Of course Esme told her that wasn't something she should do. Esme just wanted her daughter to feel better. It pained her to not know what she could do to help or say at that moment.

She had tried but Belle hadn't responded.

"Just let her be. Why should we worry about her." Rosalie didn't care if Belle was fine or not.

Rosalie still saw Belle as a threat to the family and couldn't deny that she was upset that the two were so different. Belle had a beating heart, something that Rosalie would love to have but knew that it would never happen. So instead Rosalie refused to accept Belle into the family even when the others did.

Sure Belle might've tried to save Edward but she didn't. He failed at saving him and let that human come back into their lives. Then she brought a human herself into their lives, making everything far worse.

Rosalie was set on never liking Belle.

No one notice that Alice was missing until they heard a sharp intake of break from the living-room. Belle was clenching her arm, staring at Alice with confusion and doubt, something that confused the others. Something that had confused Jasper.

Jasper could feel as doubt pulsed through Belle. He couldn't understand why she would be so doubtful when staring at Alice or as she glanced around.

"Alice that hurt," Belle said, knowing that her shoulder wasn't healed completely.

Alice flinched, a guilty look on her face. "Sorry, sorry. I thought it was." She raised her hands before moving once again.

Belle let out a sigh. She didn't know what Alice was trying to do or what she was planning.

"Just be careful," Belle advised, settling back in her spot.

"You should eat," Alice said, before they could lose Belle completely. "You haven't since breakfast yesterday."

Belle tilted her head in confusion as she tried to think back to when she last ate. Her thoughts rearranging themselves so that she couldn't focus on one thing at a time. Food - both human and vampire food - came to the front of her mind.

"I had a sandwich before we left," Belle stated, her shoulders falling as she found an answer. "I'm fine." But her voice wavered.

She wasn't fine far from it in fact.

Did she really believe that she had eaten that sandwich before they left the day before. Was that fact really true or was it simply made up. Maybe it had really been something else or she skipped eating all together.

"When was the last time you had blood?" Alice asked, watching the doubtfulness in Belle's eyes. "You've said that your wounds healer faster when you have fresh blood running through your veins."

Belle looked towards Alice, both seeing and not seeing her.

How could she know if Alice was really there or not. How could she be sure that this was really happening.

Was she even a vampire?

"Thursday," Belle said, this answer coming quicker then it had with the human food. "Not very much as I haunted a deer for blood but it still satisfied me," She explained, watching Alice carefully. "Is this real?"

Her question confused the Cullen's.

Jasper finally understood.

It was much worse then he or any of them had first thought. She wasn't just doubting the wolves that they encountered the day before but everything around her. Jasper knew that Belle couldn't understand how there could be his kind of vampire and hers but was willing to accept it for some reason.

Now, though, there wasn't just their species that was all wrong up mixed up.

"Yes, we're very real sweetie." Esme slowly walked forward and towards the young looking vampire. "You're very much real." She reassured Belle, watching as tears swelled in her eyes for some reason.

She ached, reaching out to comfort her.

"How?" Belle voice cracked. "How can it be real?"

Esme sat beside Belle, wrapping an arm around her. "What is it that can't be real? What's making you doubt us?" Esme tried to hide the pain she felt for Belle wishing to bring comfort and support.

She wanted to help her.

She wanted Belle to become happy once again.

"How?" Belle repeated, her eyes glazing over. "How can it be real?"

They had lost her once again. Belle fall back into the confines of her mind, forgetting about those very real vampires around her. Forgetting about the very real pain that twisted around her chest and stab her heart every time she saw a certain mind reader.

She had once wanted this to be a dream and now she couldn't tell if it was.

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