vaudeville #21

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*15 years ago*

at the age of 15, the nase twins have experienced waking up in the crack of dawn to make their way to the dump site to collect metals or plastics that they could sell to earn even a few coins to spend for the day. their father was a fisherman and their mother was a launderer. a hundred pesos each day always feels like a million dollars to the kids. they could buy rice, canned goods, noodles, and even some soda with it. paulo and pablo were always cheerful. they would always be thankful, no matter how small they have in life. they grew up in the small town of vaudeville, in a wooden house, which was made by their father.

there was one time when the government raised the price for basic needs in market, causing the people in their area to make a fuss out of it. a rally was held in the local government of that city. people were fighting, pushing each other, and the police were hitting the citizens with bats and rods. paulo's father saw one of his colleagues getting beaten up by one of the policemen and he was brave enough to push him away. however, it only took a bullet to his chest to take his life away.

the nase twins found out about this and mourned. pablo was furious. he had, in countless occasions, cursed the government inside his head and wished that all of them were dead.

not too long after, their mother fell ill and they didn't have any money to get her treated. hospitals would deny them a lot of times since they were poor and had nothing to pay them with. after a few months, their mother died as well, leaving the two of them to be picked up by an orphanage.

paulo and pablo were really close. they were each other's best friends. pablo was an introvert so he really treasured his brother so much because he was all he had. however, paulo learned to make friends in the orphanage, much to pablo's dismay. he didn't want any friends. he's only comfortable with his brother. but paulo was young too. he wanted to get along with other children so after a while, pablo was suddenly left out.

months later, paulo got adopted by a married couple. he wanted them to take pablo as well but the couple can only afford to raise one child. pablo became even more furious.

he blamed the government. he blamed the society. he blamed the policemen. he blamed the hospitals. he blamed the orphanage. he blamed the couple. he blamed everyone. he blamed.... paulo.

pablo was sick inside his head. he started hearing voices, telling him to kill people... to make them suffer for what they did to his family. and so one night, he escaped from his room and sneaked a knife from the orphanage's pantry. anyone who tried to stop him or even get in his way would get a slit on their throat and meet death.

that night, pablo passed by an abandoned construction area where he found nails which were long enough to be buried into someone's head. killing people brought pleasure and satisfaction to him. the sight of blood and their screams would always tingle his senses, exciting him even more.

pablo killed politicians who were abusive of their power and made people's lives miserable. abusive politicians will never change. that's what he believes in. once they started getting addicted to the power, they will never stop.

and pablo.... he wanted to stop them... by putting an end to their lives.

it made him happy. and so he started writing nirvana on every crime scene. it became his mark.

the vaudeville crime.

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