Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"You're basically telling me to join you so you can harass people more easily, yeah? Well.. don't bother." Then Katsuki gave out a mocking chuckle.

"I want to win like All Might.. no matter what anyone says.. that will NEVER change!" He spat.

Then he looked at Izuku. "And you.. what the hell are you doing with a group of villains?!" He snarled. Izuku didn't answer, and turned his head away from Katsuki.

"Ah.. Katsuki.." Shigaraki whispered, turning his head slowly to him. Katsuki's head snapped back into the villain's direction.

Shigaraki opened his mouth until there was knocking on the metallic door besides Izuku.

Everyone stared at the door, surprised.

Then it suddenly burst open, revealing a bunch of heroes and... All Might??

"Aha! We have found you, you villains!" All Might shouted, pointing into the room.

Izuku suddenly felt something wrap around him and squeeze him. He gasped in shock, looked up to see the pro hero Kamui Woods.

None of the heroes seemed to actually notice Izuku.

All Might placed his hand on Katsuki's shoulder. "I apologize for this, Bakugou. But help is here, now!" All Might said. Katsuki was staring at Izuku.

Shigaraki grit his teeth. "YOU- NO! Dammit.. you're ruining everything! I HATE YOU!" He yelled. All Might didn't respond.

All Might noticed Izuku on the ground, but quickly lifted his head back and pretended he didn't see him.

"Alright everyone, let's get Katsuki to safety, and.. put the villains into their well deserved cells." All Might said, turning around.

Then Katsuki felt something burning in his mouth. The feeling began to force itself up Katsuki's throat, and he felt his mouth wrench open.

A disgusting brown-greyish color of mist spilled from his mouth, and began to wrap itself around Katsuki. He gagged.

It was happening to the other villains too.

All Might noticed, and he tried to grab Katsuki, but all he got was murky slop. Katsuki was gone.

All Might inhaled sharply. And the heroes stood there, shocked.

"Wh.. NOOOOOOO!!" All Might yelled.

"Where'd they go?!?" One of the heroes panicked.

Then they heard yelling from behind them. All Might spun around and saw one of the police officers shouting at them and pointing behind them.


The heroes ran outside from the building, and saw a massive hole in the ground, right on top of an apartment.

"Oh god.." One of the hero's whispered.

There were a few dead bodies on the ground, which they fell from their apartment after it was smushed.

Katsuki was coughing up the disgusting slime from earlier.

He looked up, and saw that he was in a completely different area. There was a man standing in front of him.

All for one.

Katsuki inhaled sharply.

"Katsuki Bakugou.." All for one whispered. Katsuki took a step away from him.

"I apologize for such a painful procedure. But I needed you to get away from the heroes." He said.

He squatted down to Katsuki's height and placed his hand on Katsuki's shoulder.

"Now.. what's your answer? Will you join us?" He asked. Katsuki stared at him.

"We really could use you. Like Izuku, over here. We found him all alone.. and we offered a much better home for him.." All for one turned his head to Izuku, who was looking away in shame. Katsuki opened his mouth slightly then closed it.

"You could be next." All for one said. Then he got close to Katsuki's face. "And I can even make your quirk so much more stronger than before. Even stronger than All Might's."

Katsuki stayed quiet. If he displeased him, there's no doubt All for one would kill him right there on the spot.

"REMOVE YOUR HAND FROM HIM AT ONCE!" Someone shouted. All for one sighed, and turned around to face the heroes charging towards them.

"Katsuki, please take a few steps away. I feel as if this will get violent." All for one ordered, standing up.

Katsuki took no hesitation to start running as fast as he could away from the scene.

This was his chance, he could probably get away from the villains!

But then he paused. He turned around and looked at Izuku, who was watching him.

Should I leave him here..? Katsuki thought.

He stopped running, and stared at Izuku, thinking.

"Ah.. All Might." All for one scoffed, watching All Might walk towards him.
"You're here after all, huh? A bit late.."

All Might didn't reply, and began to charge at All for one, yelling.

They began to fight eachother.

Izuku was thinking hard. He was quirkless, and didn't have good reflexes, unlike the other villains.

He began to feel like throwing up again.

He'll probably get killed if he's even an inch to close to the fight. He would have to get away.

He badly wanted to watch All Might get beaten by All for one, but he knew he couldn't stay here.

He took a step back, then broke into a run and climbed up the massive hole to get away.

Katsuki watched him. He's getting away!

Katsuki forgot all about escaping by himself, and chased after Izuku.

"DEKU!" Katsuki shouted, climbing up the hole and chasing after Izuku.

Izuku skidded to a hault and spun around to face Katsuki. He opened his mouth to say something until he tripped over a wire and toppled over.

Izuku gasped as he fell to the ground, and quickly realized he was plummeting down a short cliff.

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