Chapter 14- Our Plan Is Working Out Perfectly

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I sunk down in my seat as Sammi and Natalie talked in the front seat. Not even 10 minutes earlier had they both left me to fend for myself against Grayson. Not that I didn't actually enjoy meeting him, but they had just left me, hinting at me to talk to a random (and, I admit, hot) guy who I'd never met before. It did make me feel better to know that he was practically family to Natalie.
"Desiree!" one of the two yelled as the smacked my knee from the front seat. I looked up to find Natalie's stunning steel eyes staring at me. She smiled and laughed softly at me as she continued. "I asked you what you thought of Grayson! He's a great guy really. He's great with kids, he's sweet, and he can be sooo romantic!"
I grinned back at her. "Grayson seems like a really nice guy. I do love the way he takes care of Kamden. The way he loves his family. The way he admires you and seems always hopeful and cheerful. The way his green eyes shine and_," I cut myself of when I realized what I was saying. Natalie's face lit up and giggled, along with Sammi, while I just slumped back into my seat and blushed hard. "I mean, he's okay," I mumbled.
Sammi laughed, glancing at me in the rearview mirror from where she was driving. Turns out, Natalie had her own car, so me and Sammi decided to go with her. "Someone likes him." I stuck my tongue out at her when she turned back to the road.
"But really," Natalie spoke again, "Grayson is a good guy. He would die for his family and friends, especially Kam. He is naturally a guy who tries to be happy, but he actually can understand those going through a hard time or whatnot. He's truly amazing. But his eyes do sparkle!"
Sammi laughed, Natalie followed two seconds later, and I couldn't help but join them in their merriment. We sat in blissful silence for a few minutes after, listening to the Pentatonix playlist Natalie had on her phone. "Radioactive" came on and I instantly started beaming and singing along. I looked up to see the girls staring at me. My voice faded a bit before I realize I didn't care. I shrugged and started singing at the level I was. When the song eventually ended and I looked up, Natalie was staring at me and Sammi was glancing between me and the road . I sat there for a few seconds, waiting on whatever they were thinking, but in the end neither wanted to speak and things got awkward.
"What?" I said, finally breaking the silence.
Both of their faces grew into their beautiful smiles. "You were great!" and "That was amazing!" came from them both at once, running together and making it impossible to tell who said what. I blushed as Sammi continued. "I haven't heard very many voices as good as yours, Desiree. You have to get it from your dad."
I smiled to myself as we settled back into a comfortable silence. To be complemented by someone like Sammi and compared to someone as good as Dad was amazing and practically unbelievable. It's something that maybe would have once upon a time seemed like a daydream, but now it's a reality.
"Where are we going?" Natalie blurted around 10 minutes later.
"We, my dear girl," Sammi started, "are going back to Desiree's house. There's someone we think you should meet." I smiled at Sammi who gave me a smile that reflected through the rearview mirror. If she got starstruck with they guys, I wonder how she'll do with Dad. Two minutes later, we arrived. "We're here!" Sammi cheered.
I rolled my eyes as we got out and Sammi winked at me, silently signaling me to take over. I sighed and got in front of the girls and to the stairs and smiled back at Natalie. "Come on Nat, I have someone I want you to meet." As I got to the stairs, I could hear the others footsteps, so I just went in and yelled for Dad. "Dad? Are you here?"
I didn't have to wait long for my reply. "I'm in the kitchen."
"Wow," came Natalie's voice from behind me. "It's beautiful." I beamed at her before grabbing her arm and drug her in the direction of the kitchen. "Where are we going?" She asked.
Sammi, who was following us now, replied, "Will you just go along with it?" which instantly shut her up, all the while, my sites were set on the arch to the kitchen, where a slight glimpse of Ronnie could be seen.
We slipped inside to find Dad with his back to us and hunched over, chopping something. "Dad?" I said to get his attention. "Me and Sammi want you to meet someone."
The sudden sound of my voice made him jump and he put the knife down. Before he turned he started talking. "Hi Desiree. Didn't know you were home. What do_" He abruptly stopped talking when he turned to face us and his eyes landed on Natalie. His eyes widened and his cheeks turned a slight shade of pink that I'm almost sure no one else noticed. At least he likes her appearance! I caught a quick look at Natalie, who's eyes were wider and face held more color than Dad's. She's starstruck!
"Dad, this," I said, pushing Natalie, who was slowly coming back around, in front of me for Dad to see, "is Natalie, a friend of ours." I took Natalie's hand, where she was still blushing but now hid it with her genuine and stunning smile, and pulled her to the island so that it was the only thing between her and him. I walked around to where Dad was standing and put my arm on his shoulder. He looked down at me with a twinkle in his eyes and a small bashful smile. He knew what I was getting at.
"Well hello there, Natalie," he said as he grabbed her hand that was laying on the island before bringing it to his lips and softly kissed it. "It's nice to meet a beautiful thing like you." She smiled and started to look down, but her eyes at his and she was stuck.
I decided to make a show and get Sammi and myself out of there. "Hey, Sammi," I said rather loudly, still staring at Natalie and Dad but had walked over to stand beside Sammi who was staring at them too. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"
"Aww!" she whined. "But we'll miss_" I smacked her arm and glared at her with a this-isn't-for-us look and she instantly complied. "Oh, sure Desiree," she said louder. We both started to back into the hallway but neither of the two seemed to realized we were going or had even said a word. Once in the hall, Sammi and I high-fived. Our plan is working out perfectly!
Hi guys! I'm sooo sorry I haven't updated in a while. School is getting crazy. I just finished my graduation project and I'm failing two classes (I am absolutely terrible at Spanish), and exams aren't even a month from now! So I'm going to update as best as I can between now and then, but after exams (which are May 18-21 (My birthday is the 20th, so I'll try to have a special chapter))'ll try to update much faster. Another thing, thank y'all so much for all the support on this story! I am amazed and blown away by all the things you guys have to say. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed, and I promise to try and update soon.

P.S. I'm sorry if this part had weird spacing or some things are bold/italicized and they shouldn't be, as I am uploading from my phone and can't exactly see how it looks and it's being weird.

My Dad is Ronnie Radke. (a Falling In Reverse Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now