Chapter Thirty One

Start from the beginning

I paired it with some black flats and straightened my golden locks. I wore little makeup-- just some lipgloss and eyeliner.

I sighed as I finished getting ready. I hoped I wasn't going into depression. But over Mike? Seriously?

I honestly didn't want to go to the club, but after spending the last couple days alone, I guess the gang deserved me going with them. I mean, we only had a few more days until we were leaving anyway.

Right before I was about to leave the suite, Elliot texted me to bring some extra clothes for "a surprise". Whatever that meant.

I decided to bring some anyway, having no clue what we were gonna do after the club.

I headed out with my purse, phone, and beach bag filled with clothes.

By the time I got downstairs to the lobby, Mona was waiting in her car with a huge smile on her face. I eyed her suspiciously while she waved me over.

"Lei, lets go! They're having the best buffet there," she squealed.

"A buffet? At a club?"

"Uh hel-lo, a buffet of boys!"

I got in the car and pointed a finger in her face. "If you want to still be my best friend, don't ever say that again. You sound like Jessi."

She put her hands up in mock surrender and smirked, "Oh right, forgot you and Mike have a thing."

I blushed furiously at the topic of Mike while Mona cracked up. "What, you two have sex or something?"

To that my stomach dropped, and she must've noticed my more anxious reaction because of her loud gasp.

I quickly realized, and screamed, "No it's not like that!!"

She laughed even harder as I punched her in the arm. "Let's just go to the stupid club and get it over with," I grumbled.

* * *

The trashy electronic music's bass pounded around the club as colorful lights flashed on and off towards the dance floor. Mona said that we were gonna meet the gang at one of the lounges. As we weaved through the sweaty, bouncy people, I spotted Blake talking to some girl trying to grind up on him. I laughed out loud, and when Mona gave me a strange look, I shook my head.

We finally reached a glass door and opened it to find the gang pigging out.

"Hey girls!" Opal cheered with a mouthful of chips.

I waved, but I felt my eyes looking for Mike. Opal must've noticed because she laughed, "your hubby's on the dance floor. Let's go!"

Some of the gang file out while the rest stayed behind. I saw David chatting it up with Emily and smirked.

I was soon pushed out and was forced by Mona and Opal towards Mike. I reminded them harshly that I could walk myself, and when that didn't work, I ended up bumping into the Devil himself.

"Out of the way Blake, Lei's trying to find her hubby," Opal sneered.

He looked at me, winked, and chuckled at Opal as he walked away. What was that about? Knowing him, that could've been anything.

Anyway, we finally reached Mike, and when he saw me, his eyes widened slightly.

"Have fun," Mona winked.

I turned around abruptly and yelled, "Wait aren't you gonna--" and they left.


I turned back around to a frowning Mike. I was all of a sudden pushed into the dark unisex bathroom. Wonder why it's designed like that...sarcasm intended.

I was literally being pushed around all day.

Anyway, I dusted myself off and grumbled to myself as Mike stood in front of me with his arms on my shoulders and me against the wall.

"You can let go now," I frowned.

"Why did you kiss me Lei?"

Dammit. Why was he so straight forward?

"Maybe if you let go, I'll actually answer the question."

He sighed and let go. My eyes flicked over to the ajar door and made a run for it. Unfortunately since the bathroom was so small, Mike easily took two steps back and pressed his back against the door before I made it out.

I also unfortunately wasn't ready for that, so I ended up colliding with Mike's chest. He grabbed my arms to steady me as a reflex and immediately let me go and crossed his arms.

"I knew this would happen, so I'm not letting you out until it answer the question."

I of course made a smart remark by saying, "This is against the law. I could press charges for harassment."

He rolled his eyes. Yea, I wouldn't do that.

"Just answer the question. You would've been back out by now."

I put my hands on my hips and scoffed, "Well, why did you kiss back?"

He seemed a little taken aback and went with the typical line, "I asked you first."

"Well I asked a totally different question!"

Then he went on by explaining that e wouldn't be able to answer his question if I couldn't answer mine. Good point.

I sighed and finally gave in. "I honestly don't know why I kissed you, Mike. It kinda just...happened."

He sighed too and rubbed his face. "Remember when we made that pact about us not liking each other? Did that change?"

I thought about all the memories we had, up until making the pact all in a split second.



"Do you think I might be in love with you?"

* * *

Sorry I've been M.I.A. for a while.

It's just everything that's been going on, I

I'm glad you support me and thank you for being so patient!

Song~ Trashy Club Music, for the vibe. It's actually pretty good music though. Really catchy.

~ C

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