Chapter Fifteen: Darren's Date

Start from the beginning

"And done!" Rosie exclaimed.

"Thanks Rosie." Darren said, faking a smile.

"No problem, Darren." Rosie smiled. "I'll do anything if it's fashion related."

"Good to know." Darren nodded.

"Alright!" Rosie exclaimed. "Have fun~!"

Rosie left Darren feeling a bit numb. He looked down. He couldn't help but feel bad but he didn't really know why. That's when his thoughts were interrupted by his alarm, telling him he needed to go. He looked at himself in the mirror and couldn't help but smile. Rosie really did do a good job on his look.

He slipped on his shoes and grabbed his wallet, heading out of the house. He knew that once he got there, he would enjoy being there and would have fun.


It was later in the evening, around 7:30. Leah and Angel were sitting in the livingroom, Leah laying down, her head resting on the other's lap. The two had been on their phones and Angel heard a giggle come from the other. Based on the giddy smile Leah had, Angel could tell something amazing happened.

"Who you texting?" Angel asked.

The two were best friends and had been since they were young, that's how they knew each other. They trusted each other with everything, it was surprising Leah hadn't told her yet.

"Nobody." Leah put her phone down, an obvious smile gritted through her teeth.

"You're really going to lie to me right now?" Angel asked.

Leah looked up at the female. She promised to keep her relationship on the down low but ultimately she decided her best friend was an exception.

"Okay!" Leah shot up, turning her whole body to face the female. "If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone else, okay?"

"I promise." Angel said without any hesitation. "You're my best friend."

"Okay." Leah grinned, starting to whisper. "Sebastian and I started dating."

"What?!" Angel squealed. "No way!!"

The two started to slightly fangirl with one another.

"I'm so happy for you, Leah." Angel said. "When did it happen?"

"A couple days ago. He kind of just confessed his feelings and so I did too and then he asked me to be his girlfriend and yeah."

"Ahhh that's so cute!"

"But we're keeping it on the down low for now because of you know who."


"And Oliver."

Angel rolled her eyes. "Why can't they just let us live our lives the way we want to?"

"That's what I'm saying!" Leah exclaimed.

That's when Rosie walked out of her room, hearing her sister shout. "You're saying what?" She made her way to the kitchen.

Leah shared looks with Angel. "Nothing." They both said in unison before laughing.

Rosie rolled her eyes. She may have been the same age as Angel but her little sister was definitely a lot closer to her. She could never compete with them, she was too different.

Rosie went along, cleaning her dinner dishes, when Oliver came walking in.

"Have any of you seen Darren?" Oliver asked.

Both Leah and Angel shook their heads. Rosie, on the other hand, had an answer.

"He's not home." Rosie responded.

"Where is he?" Oliver asked.

"A date." The female smirked.

Angel and Leah looked at one another, eyes widened.

"Date with who?" Leah asked her older sister quickly.

"I don't know." Rosie shrugged. "Someone he met through Instagram."

Angel and Leah shared looks again, eyes even wider, before thinking the same thing. "Jade."

Right away, the two girls stood up and ran to Jade's room, knocking on the door. There was no answer, but they knew she was in there because they heard her type of music being played.

"Jade~!" Leah pouted, hitting the door.

"Please let us in." Angel added.

After a few seconds, the door opened to a sad-looking Jade.

"What do you guys want?" She growled.

"To talk to you." Angel said.

"We heard Darren's out on a date." Leah said.

"We want to make sure you're okay." Angel added.

"Why would I not be?" She said in a sarcastic tone as she trudged to her bed.

Angel and Leah shared heartbreaking looks as they walked in, shutting the door behind them. They joined Jade on her bed, sitting and facing her.

"We're really sorry, Jade." Leah said.

Jade looked down. She was upset but she didn't blame anyone. "It's not like you guys did anything, or anybody. I'm the one who likes the dumb kid."

"And he's the one making a dumb mistake." Angel said, holding the female's hand. "He doesn't see the perfect being right in front of him."

"Let's not go too far, Angel." Jade rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but smile.

As the youngest out of the seven, the trio often trusted each other the most. They knew how to cheer each other up.

"Angel's right, Jade." Leah smiled. "You're beautiful and funny and he's gonna realize what he's missing and you'll be the one laughing in his face."

Jade slightly smiled. "Thanks girls, it means a lot."

"Good because we mean it too." Angel said. "Don't let a dumb boy keep you down. You're too good for him anyway."

Jade snickered. "I won't, thank you."

"Now!" Leah exclaimed. "Why don't we watch a movie? I'm feeling Adam Sandler."

"Oh, you know I can't say no to an Adam Sandler movie!" Jade exclaimed.

And so the three girls snuggled together on the bed, watching Adam Sandler movies until they all fell asleep in the bed.

~Authors Note~

Hey guys! So this story is getting dramatic but this is only the beginning haha. I hope you guys are still enjoying it and I will see you very soon. Biez!

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