china and freezers

962 24 2


Now we are at the truck on a way for some chinese clients or whatever

I turn the radio to country music to annoy trevor

Trevor looked at me for some seconds

Trevor:this is bullshit *turns radio to rock music* this is my jam

I chuckled and just stared at the window
Damn shandy shores does look good

We arrived at some bar and we seen 2 guys fighting i just sat and watched

???:Trevor your banned

Trevor:its for a meeting i wont stay for long

Then trevor seen the two guys just fighting on the middle of the bar

Trevor:what are these fuck doing?

???:the one who wins gets banned

He proceeds to walk to them and knock out one of em

I chuckled while watching

Y/n:is this a normal thing?

???:oh sweetheart you dont know how much blood i had to clean

Trevor:he won ban him

???:i cant ban him hes my goddamn husband

Trevor:hes old enough to be your son

Asked concerned

???:aint the internet a beautiful good

Y/n:i am very concerned but wont ask where you found him

The bartender chuckled and then turned to trevor

???:if i see any bodies again then i wont ever serve you

Trevor nods and then heard some yelling

Two chinese people entered and trevor then turned to me

Trevor: i do the talking you wait here

I nod then he left i got a feeling it wont go as planned

Y/n:can i have whiskey

???:coming right up

She gets a bottle and then tries to pour on the glass

Y/n:the whole bottle

???:oh we got a big boy here if you drink this whole thing without making a face then you dont need to pay

The others stares at you wanted to see the action

Y/n:ho ho ho your on

I grabbed the bottle and chugged the whole bottle

And finished it

???:oh wow we got a winner

Everyone cheers for me and then trevor yelled outside

Trevor: y/n MY BELOVED

Y/N:ah fuck me

I left to see him on the truck with the chinese on the back

And got in

Y/n:so did it go well?

Trevor:oh it was fucking perfect i just need to show them my top secret lab

I changed the radio to piss him off with country music

Trevor: stop pissing me off or i will piss on you when you sleep

Y/n:i- fine

We arrived at the super duper secret lab not very obivious of course

???:trevor we have a big problem-

Trevor:heyyy chef relax meet our clients

Chef was just nervous and just shake their hands fast and turned to trevor

???:t-they are coming the aztecas and i have a feeling you did something to piss them off

Y/n:well he killed one of em

Chef:and who are you?

Y/n:we explain later lets deal with this

Trevor:clients follow me the entrance is in the freezer very secret

I got in with chef

Chef:do you have any guns?

Y/n:i mean i have my revolver

Chef:not enough here

He gave me an uzi with amo and nodded


Grand theft auto 5 (male reader insert)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz