Chapter 1: What Was That?

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Hey! I've been reading a lot of "Hiccup x Reader", lately. More specifically "x Mermaid". I actually don't know why, since I didn't thought I would like them. But, surprisingly, I did! It made my imagination go off, and now I want to try to make my own attempt.

Words: 692

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Hiccup's pov:

Being the chief of Berk, well New Berk, has really been taking a tole on me. All the new responsibilities I've got has really been overwhelming. Makes me wonder 'how did my father do it so well?'. Even though it's been a while since I inherited the "chief"-title, I'm still struggling. But I have got a few "tricks" to help me. One being me going down to the water by the end of every day. I've found this ocean with a beach connected to it, which allows me to get the taste of the water without actually getting wet. I like to just sit there, enjoying to peacefulness of the water. Being able to rest my mind that's so hyper the rest of the days. Usually, Toothless likes to join me. We don't get that much bonding time with him being the new alpha and me being the chief. So I value these moments really high nowadays. It's crazy how things you took for granted when you were 18 now takes place as your most precious things. But I guess he values chasing a rabbit over spending time with me.

As I looked at the mountain on the opposed side of the ocean, I could have sworn I saw something moving in the corner of my eye. In the water. Out of reflex, I snapped my head at the direction I, half a second ago, had seen something... moving. I let my eyes go from left to right, scanning everything 110% that's in my field of sight. But with no luck. Knowing my lack of sleep, I convince myself 'it was probably just some illusion'. Just as I was about to go back to my mountaingazing I saw it again. This time by a rock, only a few meter away from where I'm sitting. It being so close to me allowed me to hear it too. Water waving, due to its movements, and..... clicking?

I walked towards the rock, trying my best to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to scare it way. As I reached the water I knew I was screwed. There's no way the "creature" behind the rock won't hear me now. I looked down, praying for my steps to not flop so much. But of course it didn't help. As I raised my glance at the rock again, with an unamused face, I quickly stopped in my tracks. My expression changed to a shocked one. By the side of the rock I could see a face peaking out.... a human face. Even though I only saw half of it I could still tell we had eye contact. Its (e/c) eye looked deep inside my emerald green ones. My mind was racing, trying to tell me what to do. Should I walk up to it and risk being eaten alive? Should I run back to the village? Still standing in my spot, I unmanageably began to fall. I felt as my legs no longer could hold me up. As if a 100 kilos worth of weight was thrown onto me. The shock of seeing the face, apparently, lead to me passing out. Right where I was standing. A thump and I was under water. I felt the water surrounding my face and slowly clogged my airways. Just before I went unconscious I felt a pair of arms around my waist, pulling me up.


Hope you liked the first chapter on this book, I'm already working on the second one. So I hope I'll be able to publish it very soon. Also, this chapter was kind of short, I'll aim to make the other chapters around 1000 words. Does that sound good?

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