Chapter 2~A Light in the Dark

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Espresso woke up with a terrible headache and on a couch in a shockingly familiar room,he remembered it from years ago,Latte's old room in the school,it seemed like an exact replica.He sat up with a groan as his headache grew.He leans back,resting his head on a cushion as the familiar figure of Latte walks over.

"You feeling better?" She chuckled sweetly.Espresso ignored the question and picked up a snack Latte had brought over.After a while of silence Espresso questioned Latte on what had happened the night before.
"Oh!Haha it was hilarious!You fainted and we had to get someone to help me find your place but then we didn't find the keys and stuff so we took you to my place,haha!" She laughed aloud,while Espresso on the other hand had began blushing in embarrassment as Latte recalled the event unfolding.

Latte slid Espresso's drink across the table with a gentle push,he picked it up and drank from the glass,sighing in delight at the sweet taste.Latte smiled seeing him relax.
"Espresso,by the way where do you live around here?I asked around and barely anyone knew" she asked before taking a sip of her own drink.Espresso finished his drink and placed the glass back on the table gently.
"I live in an apartment near Sparkling's bar,if you go down the street,it'll be just around the corner" Latte stood,pleased with the answer,she took the glasses off the table and brought them to the dishwasher.Espresso leaned back and shut his eyes wanting to rest for a few minutes,falling asleep soon after.

Espresso's POV

Apparently,I'd fallen asleep for nearly 3 hours at Latte's house,sigh,now I'm way behind on my work.I don't know what made me think it was a good idea to join Latte on drinking last night,maybe I just wanted to welcome her...sigh...How does she always do this?

I look up at the apartment building and enter through the two glass doors,I decide to take the elevator up to my room and some other people walk inside too.I immediately recognise one person from the crowd,Madeleine Cookie.I scowl immediately after seeing him grin and wave in my direction.I make my way into the corner opposite him,and,of course,he walks over and starts talking.
"Hey Espresso,didn't know you had an apartment here" Madeleine was clearly trying to be friendly,I appreciate that,but he just won't stop trying to 'soften' me,that I disliked.

I ignored him for a few minutes and nearly everyone left the elevator,leaving me and Madeleine alone.He stares at me.I glare back.He looks away from me and faces the wall.At last we get to my floor I go to leave and,to my surprise,Madeleine was also leaving?Oh bother!I thought I'd finally get away from him.

We both walk in the exact same direction,oh don't tell me we live beside each other!I reach my room I take my keys out from my pocket and go to unlock the door,Madeleine stares at me again.
"What is it now!" I snapped,annoyed at his constant staring.He jumps at my sudden burst of rage and looks rather troubled.What he says next changed our relationship forever.

"This is my room,Espresso" Madeleine stares at me again.His room!?
"Nonsense!You literally watched me unlock the doors" I roll my eyes,expecting it's another one of his  stupid jokes.I walk inside and he follows.
"I'm being serious Espresso,my keys also unlock these doors" He takes out a pair of identical keys to the ones I used,he takes them and locks the doors.It locked,he has keys to this room too,but that can only mean that...
"We're roommates!" He says cheerfully,grinning,as he throws his belongings aside.I groan angrily and walk past him.As I walked past,he grabbed my arm and dragged me into a hug.


Espresso grabbed Madeleine's arms and made a pathetic attempt at getting out of his grasp,eventually he gave in and hugged him back.
"Hehe,care to show me around?" He asks,letting go and,smiling brightly at Espresso.
"I apologise I'm already far behind on my work"
With that Espresso walked into a different room without waiting for Madeleine's response.Madeleine sighed and picked up his belongings and eventually unpacked everything to his liking,he changed into some simpler clothes and began writing in a journal.

Time passed by and Espresso's experiment went well and he began wondering what Madeleine was up to.He put all of his supplies away and took off his cloak and laid it out neatly on his bed.He took a glance at the opposite side of the room,Madeleine's side,and he was shocked by the mess he'd already created.He sighed in frustration and walked over grabbing Madeleine's loose,blond hair and tugged at it,gently.Madeleine turned around and he was met by Espresso's glare,in a slight panic he immediately shut his journal and pushed it aside.Unfortunately,for him,Espresso noticed his sudden panic despite him trying his best to remain calm and neutral.
"You keep a journal?" He asked forgetting his original reason for starting their interaction.Madeleine hesitates for a few seconds before replying.
"Yeah,I do it's nothing special really" he picks the journal up and slides it into a drawer.Espresso shrugs it off as a simple 'in the moment' situation and proceeded to give Madeleine a 'long' lecture about the mess he'd created.

An hour had passed and the two were having a genuinely friendly conversation,mostly with Madeleine leading it.They only became aware of the dark,starry sky when Madeleine had began feeling sleepy.Madeleine turned the lights off and laid down,ready to let his mind drift off into a pleasant dream.Madeleine was nearly asleep when he heard the door open he looked up and saw the figure of Espresso leaving the room.Madeleine got up and followed him unsure why he was still awake.

Espresso had heard footsteps behind him and turned to see Madeleine there waiting to ask him about leaving the room so suddenly.
"How come you aren't sleeping,Espresso?" He asked eyeing Espresso with,what looked like,genuine concern.Espresso replied with a single word which was "work" it was now Madeleine's turn to glare at him.He grabbed his arm and dragged him back to their room,while Espresso could only helplessly follow.

Madeleine had forced Espresso into something more suitable to sleep in,problem was because he rarely slept willingly he lacked any suitable clothing choices.After a few minutes,he ended up sleeping topless,with the other option being to borrow one of Madeleine's shirts.He laid down into a warm and soft blanket but had found himself rather restless,

Madeleine had stayed up an extra hour just to make sure Espresso had actually been sleeping.Eventually,his tiredness grew persistent,he gave in and shut his eyes and fell into a comforting dream...

about a future he hoped for...

Espresso Cookie x Madeleine Cookie~Cookie Run Kingdom Based storyWhere stories live. Discover now