Chapter 1~My best friend

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The day began like any other,Espresso sat scribbling down his thoughts away in a notebook,as the gentle breeze of autumn passed by.The train set off early in the morning and returned an few hours later everyday,despite not liking social interactions he did find watching new cookies wonder into the kingdom rather intriguing.

Today the train set off to his old home with supplies,Espresso had hoped that he'd meet someone he once knew,though he wasn't keen on it happening so he simply continued his work while many other cookies were enjoying their morning with one another.

Minutes sped by like seconds and before long the train had returned.Espresso,deep in thought,had not heard the train's return and read over his writings and scribbling out whatever didn't work well.No,no,no...this won't work here that'll take much too long...No this won't work either...Ugh!

While this was happening a young woman had been feeling enthusiastic since the moment she opened her eyes to her beautiful cottage near the edge of the forest.She heard the train come to an abrupt stop and other cookies chattered and laughed as they stepped out,with excitement rushing through their bodies.

As she stood up from her seat with her bag in hand,she repositioned her hat and walked towards the nearest exit.A small child-like cookie walks into her,knocking her bag onto the floor spilling her items on the floor.
"A-Ah!I'm so sorry..." the little girl looks up at her and begins starts tearing up.The young woman looks at the crying girl.
"Aw,don't worry darling it's okay!" She says calmly,kneeling down and patting her hand gently with one hand.She smiled and offered a sweet jelly candy to the little girl while she wiped the little girl's tears with a tissue.The girl smiled gratefully and took the sweet and they wandered off to find her a caretaker for the girl.Eventually,they found the girl's caretaker and she was thanked for her patience towards the child.

The young woman stepped out of train and looked around,taking in her surroundings.The leaves were gorgeous shades of red and yellow,cookies laughed and talked happily in the kingdom and welcoming faces showed up one by one but none of them sparked an interest to her.Then,she found who she was looking for...
"Espresso!" She called out cheerfully running towards him.The sudden sound startled Espresso as he was not used to people interacting with him he looked up and saw an old friend of his...Latte Cookie.

Latte tackles him against the bench and hugs him tightly,a little too tight for Espresso's liking.
"Latte!Let go of me!Jeez..." he managed to push his former research partner,and friend,off him without much effort.Latte chuckles in delight seeing that her old friend hadn't changed much since their last encounter.She immediately began bombarding him with questions like,
"How've you been Espresso?"
"What's the kingdom like?"
And many more.
Espresso answered most of Latte's questions,briefly if at all.

"So we get our own living quarters and the whole kingdom is populated by cookies from other places?"
"Wow!Can you show me around?"
"Must decline.Too busy"
"Come on,your always busy!"
Latte tried convincing Espresso to show her around and eventually,tired out by her constant whining,Espresso,reluctantly,agreed.

He brought her to a few of the most popular places in the kingdom,the gorgeous parks,Sparkling Cookie's bar,Herb's garden and of course the castle and fountain.Latte looked up in awe at the two monuments.Several others had gathered round to see the fountain and to wish for peace and love.Latte too threw in a coin and wished for happiness during her time at the new kingdom.
"Espresso are you going to make a wish?" She inquired after her coin sank to the bottom.He wasn't behind her,which is where he was mere seconds ago,to her surprise he'd made himself comfortable on a bench,far away from the crowd.Latte sighed seeing him sat there and walked towards him.

"Hey!I thought I told you to put that away!" Latte said pointing an accusing finger at his notebook,which he was,again,writing his thoughts down.Espresso doesn't look up and continues writing.
"Hey!Don't ignore me!" She spoke a louder this time.Espresso still doesn't look up and appears to start writing faster.
"Espresso!" She yells angrily and slaps the notebook out of his hands,making his pen drop at the same time.
"Latte!" He shoots her a glare before leaning over to pick up his notebook and pen.
"Not my fault,you weren't listening to me" she says coolly.Espresso sighs and puts his notebook away.
"So what now?" He asks still sat on the bench.Latte considers for a few seconds Before replying,
"How about we get a drink at Sparkling's?" She suggests,smiling sweetly as if to persuade him.He shrugs and stands up beside Latte.
"Sure,I suppose I can put some time aside" Espresso sighed and led the way to Sparkling Cookie's bar,as the sun set over the hillside,giving the the sky an orange coat with a purple tone to it.

The two arrive at the very crowded bar,several people are laughing with one another and enjoying themselves after a day's hard work.The two take a seat and Sparkling walked over immediately to greet them.
"Hello there Espresso,who's your new friend?" He asks pleasantly while mixing up his order.
"Latte,we've actually been aquatinted with one another for quite a while,she's recently moved here" He says taking a sip of his drink.Latte's eyes darted from item to item on the menu,Sparkling chuckled seeing her struggle to choose something.
"The choices are difficult to choose from,ay'?" He asks coolly.Latte looks up at him embarrassed to have been so indecisive.Sparkling smiles and offers her a few suggestions before she chooses the Roseberry blend.Sparkling finishes serving them their drinks and says his farewells before moving on to serve the next few customers.

Latte takes a sip of her drink and smiles at the pleasant taste.She takes a glance at Espresso who was staring at Sparkling who was now chatting away with his most regular customers.Latte notices a few quiet individuals and watches them for a little while.

Sparkling had always been a social butterfly,for he always had a way of knowing exactly how others were feeling even if they tried to hide it,this was something Espresso had always admired about him.Yet sometimes this same skill annoyed Espresso,since he wasn't keen on talking about his feelings with anyone,and especially not when he hadn't started the conversation.He takes another sip of his drink and notices Latte staring at him.
"What's wrong now?" He sighed as Latte placed a glass bottle from her hand to the table and let Espresso figure out the rest by himself.

It didn't take long for Espresso to realise the liquid inside the bottle was alcohol,he shook his head in disapproval and sighed as Latte poured out two cups of it.

Let's just say it didn't end well.

Espresso Cookie x Madeleine Cookie~Cookie Run Kingdom Based storyWhere stories live. Discover now