Chapter Forty Three~ Team I

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Y/N turned her head and smirked before picking upon a pebble from the ground and throwing it towards the crystal. The peddle swept to the right and shattered before it even had a chance to hit the ground.

" There is a wind barrier that is surrounding the crystal. So It's safe to leave it here" She stated.

"Are you sure, it's strong enough" Sortta question nervously.

"Believe so" Y/N answered leaving her teammates dumb folded once again, " Alright lets go"

Team I left there Crystal and ran to the direction of there enemies by using Sortta's Erath tracking magic. This left the Magic Knights who were watching, in shock.

"How could they just leave there crystal like that?!" One complained.

"They seem to confident" Another one tched.

" That Rock magic is not going to hold if it gets attacked" Someone added.

The Wizard king was gazing at there Crystal with sparkling eyes. He couldn't wait for some type of magic to try to hit it. He wanted to witness how strong Y/N's wind magic was!

After a few minutes, Rill was captured in rock magic by Sortta who took that opportunity when he wasn't looking. Y/N stood beside the light blue haired male as her teammate fought the opposing team.

" I got captured" Rill whined as he waved his arms.

Ruben and Fallin fought with there Fire magic on the left side while Sortta and Nils fought with earth and water magic on the right.

Sortta was starting to struggle against Nils water magic and Y/N took notice. She flipped through the pages of her Grimoire before sending out her magic to help him.

""Elemental fire magic: Shining Bow"" She chanted. A huge bow and arrow made from fire formed in front of her. It aimed towards the feet of Nils and launched. Her Purple and blue mana swirled around the arrow as it set off an explosion when it landed.

Nils was blown backwards and knocked unconscious while Sortta protected himself with his magic.

Rill witnessed Y/N's beautiful magic. The way her mana swirled around her fire magic was mesmerizing. He couldn't help but to watch in a daze. 

In his heart he felt something calling to him to paint the ultimate picture. Rill smiled as he started mixing shades of colors on his wooden palette using his paintbrush.

" Picture Magic: Twin Storms of Fire and Water!" Rill chanted as he swung his paintbrush towards Sortta and Fallin. The two colors of blue and red turned into a spinning flame and water magic.

The force and power of Rills magic caused Y/N's teammates to be blown backwards. The water hit Fallin and the fire hit Sortta.

The white haired female quickly casted a spell that helped to soften the blow from her teammates. Ruben uses this chance to use a high powered fire spell to destroy the crystal from his opposing team.

"Fire Magic: Flaming ball!" He shouted as a circular flame zoomed towards Y/N's team crystal. 

Before it go the chance to reach it, the flame crashed into an invisible force before it started swirling around the crystal instead. A flaming tornado was formed in front of everyone's eyes.

" Well that's convenient" Y/N stated when she watched everything play out. She hasn't used this spell before so she didn't know how it would react to a flame spell.

Now she knows.

"Woah!" Rill watched the flaming tornado with wide eyes. More and more inspiration come into his mind as he picked up his paintbrush.

Y/N moved in front of her Crystal and glanced at her two teammates who were passed out.

"Elemental Water magic: Waterfall" She chanted and waved her hand towards Ruben. A huge wave of water crashed into him. It felt like a heavy boulder was thrown at him instead causing him to immediately pass out. " Ok. Now it's even" She sighed as she looked at Rill.

"Ahuhuhuhu" Rill giggled before he swung is paintbrush towards her" Picture Magic: Twisted Blue Water!" He chanted.

A huge tornado made from water made it's way towards Y/N who just stared at it head on.

"Elemental Wind Magic: Twin Tornados" She chanted when the got closer to her. Two wind made tornados collided with Rills Magic as it battled to undo the water tornado.

Wind pushed Rill slightly back when the wind tornados bumped into the water Tornado, over and over again. The wind caused Y/N's hair to whip around in the air, as she kept her eyes on the pale blue haired male.

" Picture Magic: Chasing Fireflies" Rill laughed while swinging his paintbrush in the air again.

Thousands of fireflies made from fire swarmed out from his Grimoire as it connected to the three tornados. The fireflies started forming into it's own tornados as it sunk into the wind tornados and started twisting in the opposite directions.

"Oh my Mana!" Someone gasped as they witnessed the scene from below.

"She's holding her own against a Captain" Another one stated.

"How does she have so many different Magic types" One stated in confusion. 

"It doesn't matter" Someone snorted, " She is clearly going to lose. Captain Rill's Magic is overpowering hers. The Wind Magic is going to disappear".

"My Love, never loses" Leopold shouted when he heard that comment.

"Yeah! Y/N is awesome!" Asta joined in.

The Wizard King leaned forward in his seat as he witnessed the different types of Magic that the white haired female was producing.

'Her Magic' He thought to himself, 'It produces so many different spells but it's not that thick. She doesn't look at her Grimoire unless she is using a new spell. How can she use a spell without turning to the page?'

The White haired female flipped through the pages of her Grimoire and smiled when she saw an interesting spell.

"Elemental Land Magic: Mother Natures Hands" She chanted right before a huge boom resided around the battlefield. 

Two huge hands made from dirt and roots rose up from the ground. It clapped it's hands together causing a huge gust of wind to dispel all of the tornados in one go.

Once it finished it's job the hands sunk back down into the ground as if it never appeared. 

Rill gushed over the beauty of the females magic, and noted that it was strong. Both her defense and offense magic was powerful. 

More powerful than a Captains.

He knew that he couldn't win against her magic no matter his status. It amazes him on why she isn't a captain. From what he saw, she can use the elements to her disposal. The Land Magic she just did, was one of the most powerful earth magic that anyone could do.

Well, according to the book he read before.

Raising his hand, Rill bowed respectfully. He knew what he had to do.

" I Rill Boismortier, Give up" He shouted.


Authors Note: Thank you for reading this. Sorry, this week has been so long, and this is the first time that I went on my laptop from the last update. I'm glad I got it done though. Chapter Forty Four coming soon~

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