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I must be crazy talking to my boss this way, as he already hated me

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I must be crazy talking to my boss this way, as he already hated me. God dammit. After I had dropped him at the restaurant, I had parked the car and now I am sitting on a bench , reading a book. But it is hard for me to really focus on what I am reading. William Hughes was still in my head, as I heard him complain in the car. It makes me laugh. Even though he is annoying and really rude most of the time, he sometimes makes me smile. My thoughts are drifting away, as I think of this morning. I still feel his hand on my neck, tilting my head up, so that I look into his eyes and have no chance to look away. And his confused smile, because I didn't frown. Normally I would kick any man down to the floor, if he dared to touch me this way. But why didn't I do it with William? I sigh. Only a few days in London and already fighting with my boss. Shit, I can't be distracted, I have a job to do, I remind myself. My phone buzzes.

"Laurent?", I ask, "What's up?" Laurent is my good friend from France. We meet while I have been working there a little while ago and ever since I saved is life, he actually started being nice. "Hey, sweetie. How is Mister Dumbass doing?", he laughs. With a grin I answer: "He is doing fine. Nothing suspicious yet and he is still alive. Furthermore he has no clue, that I am here to make sure he doesn't die".

After we chatted a bit how the company and the teams were doing, I finally can't help it anymore:

"Laurent, what did Sergei say?". Just for the record: Sergei is a good friend of mine, who lives in Moscow. If there is anything you want to know, ask him. He can find out any information and any person, no matter where they are hiding. "Well, sweetie. He found out, that someone is really keen on the position of Mister I Look so good. His name is Victor Budonov. This guy is Russian, but lived in Washington for years and works for an underground operation. We don't know who is behind this plan, but someone wants to see William Hughes dead. Make sure it stays an attempt and doesn't turn into success. Oh, probably, it's not only Victor, chasing Will, so be prepared", he updates me quickly.

Alright, so I needed to make sure, that I am near Mister dumbass all the time. I sigh. Of course, I knew that this was my job, but that means that I needed to stop bickering with Hughes. "Okay, thanks Laurent. Send me the file of this Victor guy and I make sure to keep u informed. I think I need to go and pick Will up. Speak later", I say. We hang up, because Laurent also has another meeting with our boss Paul Dubois again. Victor Dubonov...let's play hide and seek.


The black Mercedes Benz is parked in front of the restaurant, Chase Atlantic's okay is playing loud. Finally I see Will leave the restaurant. As soon as he takes a seat I start the motor and we drive. It's weird, he doesn't say one word. That's why I take a look in the mirror, just to see him sitting there, fuming. "Sir?", I ask carefully, "What happened?". He looks up, not saying one word. I can see him clench his jaw, his hands as fists, so that I can see his white knuckles. After he stays silent, I just go on with driving, because I don't expect him to say anything anymore.

Suddenly he shouts angrily: "Fuck! Fuck, Elaine! Those bastards aren't sure if they still want to sign this stupid contract, but they demand more money. That's what happened!"

Oh. William throws his phone on the seat next to him. This man really had some anger problems, but to be fair, this time I get it. Instead of giving him an answer I remain silent. My dad could get angry easily as well, so I learned how to handle these people, and sometimes keeping your mouth shut for a while is the better option. Will goes on with complaining and yelling, while I drive through London, not taking the direct way back to the office. Having time to get all his anger out, might save his co workers from getting yelled at. After a while my boss starts to calm down.

"Elaine", he says with a silent voice, "I am sorry, that I leashed out like that...again". Okay, now I am even more confused. On one hand, he is that tough dangerous man and on the other one, he is nice and soft. What am I supposed to think. To make him feel a bit better I reassure him, that it was no problem. "They will sign the contract. I promise, Sir", I say. Will chuckles a bit. "If you say so".

The rest of the time, we stop talking. When we finally arrive at the office, I accompany him to his office, because we had to go through all the appointments and the management of the gala. He enters his office first, when I hear someone scream. Shit. How did Victor find us so fast? Without losing one second I grab Will by his wrist, pulling him behind me, while I get ready to kill whoever is in this office. "What are...?", I hear Will say. Wait. That was definitely not Budonov, but a young girl staring at me with wide eyes. "Elaine... it's my sister. are you crazy??", Williams shocked voice finally reaches me and I relax again. I fucked up. My reflexes where a bit too fast, but I won't put his life in danger. Calm I turn around and look into his eyes. "If you need me, I am in my office", and I leave. He is my client. He is the priority and if I had to kill his sister, because she puts him in danger, then I wouldn't hesitate. It was my order to protect him.

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