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"Parsi women are all..."

"Please," said Taehyung. "We must not talk about communities as if they are all same. That is stereotyping and it leads to communal hatred."

"Well," said Y/N. "That Parsi woman was a ghost?"

"Oh! there were many, many of them."

Uncle Pesi kept waxing and waning. When he spoke to Mr. Billimoria he became a cranky old man and she became a woman with silvery grey hair in a dressing gown. When they turned to speak to speak to him, Peshotan became Pesi and Mrs. Billimoria became a woman in a bathing suit. 

"Pesi took me driving in his car," said Mr. Billimoria. "He had an argument with an eristic. He lost."

And others kept coming of the woodwork it seemed. There was a little girl clutching a doll.

"She died of meningitis when there was no steroids," said Mr. Billimoria.

"Hello, I'm Nancy," said the girl, smiling sweetly. Then she lay down and began to swell up and swear. Then she started screaming.

"You can stay here, Nancy," said Mr. Billimoria.

"Oh good," said Nancy and vanished.

"Stay here?" Taehyung asked.

"Are we staying too?" Uncle Pesi asked.

"No," said Mr. Billimoria.

"Get into the car."

"I could stay for a while..." whined Uncle Pesi. "I could do a really good job."

"You don't have a stomach for a haunting," said Mr. Billimoria. "Hurry up. We can't waste Mr. Kim's time."

The ghosts kept drifting in.

Mistake- A Kim Taehyung FanficWhere stories live. Discover now