"They're for you, Ronald," Aine added, her cheekbones rising. 

"FOR ME?!"

They nodded, "Dress robes," the brunette reveals and Ron tilted his head quizzically, "Dress robes? For what?"

Hermione sighed, "Don't you ever listen to gossiping?" she asks him while the boys shook their heads, while Aine and Ginny shifted their attention to the girl, who notified them about the rumours of a ball being held during Christmas.

Later that day, the Gryffindor head— Professor McGonagall had instructed the Gryffindor students to meet her in a classroom. By the time they were there, a large gramophone was situated inside the room. With Mr Filch adjusting the needle and Mrs Norris being all adorable by the table nearby, glancing at the students. 

"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since its inception. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity," Professor McGonagall stated.

She walks towards the boys, narrowing her eyes at them, "As representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward. And l mean this literally! Because the Yule Ball is, first and foremost, a dance!" 

Students erupted with confused whispers, Ginny turned to Aine, blood draining away from her face as she mouths to her friend, "What are we going to do? I don't know how to dance!"

Aine gave a smile, "Neither do I..." she mouths back.

"Silence!" McGonagall ordered before proceeding on, "The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the Wizarding World for nearly 10 centuries. l will not have you, in the course of a single evening, besmirching that name, by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons," she said sternly, mostly speaking to the bunch of grouchy boys.

"Try saying that five times fast!" Aine could hear Fred speaking to his twin, taking turns to say the tongue-twister sentence. She chuckles to herself, watching them both saying it and not long later, she was saying it in her mind herself too! 

"Now, to dance— is to let the body breathe!" she said, her arms floating to the sides as she moved with light steps, "inside every girl, a secret swan slumber, longing to burst forth and take flight!" she smiles at the girls who shifted uncomfortably in their seats before whipping her bun to the boys, "inside every boy, a lordly lion prepared to prance!" she smirks, "Mr Weasley!" she called out.


"Will you join me, please?" 

Aine was laughing in her mind, trying to muster a neutral face that was impossible since everyone was howling with waves of laughter. Ron awkwardly stood up, dragging his feet towards the lady, clearly not wanting to be the professor's partner and setting an example for his schoolmates. Either way, he went for it. "Now, place your right hand on my waist," she directed him.

 Ron's face fell, perplexed, "Where..?"

"My waist!" she said, turning impatient. "And extend your arm! Mr Filch, if you please." 

The faint music echoed through the room, it was a little static but the melody was sweet. A loud whistle came from two boys in which Aine perfectly knew who it belonged to. She watches in amusement as the lady guided Ron, slowly swaying side to side while muttering 'one, two, three' in repeat.

"Everybody, come together!" urged Professor McGonagall, "Boys, on your feet!" she said with a strict tone, encouraging the children to dance. She smiled, it has been so long since she danced and waltzing along with Ron made her reminisce old times. 

Ginny pulls Aine along who was shaking her head before Neville asked the red-headed girl for a dance. Dumbfounded, Aine was left in the middle of a swarm of dancing students, not knowing what to do. She tries to flee, turning around only for George to extend his hand elegantly to her, wriggling his brows, "May I have this dance, my lady?"

My lady.

Aine's face blushed at the word choice, her mind instantly thinking of a certain boy who had called her that once. "Now, now, don't keep a gentleman waiting, will you?" George pouted before Aine took his hand and they started dancing. Although it was pretty much the older Weasley joking around, he was pretty good at it nonetheless. Aine on the other hand was stumbling on her steps, making him laugh at her. She was trying to remember the sequence; right foot back, left foot left, right foot to left foot, left foot forward, right foot sideways, left foot to right foot. Her mind was jumbled up with these steps and the next moment, she was stepping on George's foot.

"That hurt, Ai," teases George, looking at the girl who was trying to recall which foot to bring out next, it was confusing and even brewing a potion was so much easier than dancing.

"Sorry, Georgie!" 

"You're focusing too much on your feet, look at me," he tells her and she looked up, her neck was bending backwards because he was just so tall.

"I'm horrible at this," she says to him, dejected.

"You're fine! Look! As long as you don't look down, you're doing well! Just let your feet move along the music," he replied, grinning.

"I'm surprised you knew how to dance," said Aine.

"Really? Do I look like such a bad dancer?" he questions, twirling her around.

"Not really, I just wasn't expecting it."

George chuckles, his ears were reddening much to his distaste. His heart thumped loudly deep in his chest as he just couldn't stop smiling as he swayed along with Aine. "What?" she asks him, and he flinched, "Hmm?"

"What's so funny that you're grinning from ear to ear?"

"Oh, nothing! Just thinking about how great you are becoming. Look! You're improving!" he says with delight, squeezing her hands unknowingly.

Aine looked down to her leather shoes again, moving in sync with George's shoes. She smiled, it was true, she was getting the hang of it.

"Thank you," she mumbled, and he slowly lifted her into a light jump and gaped at her. Aine's hair flew before it swished as he turned. Her eyes were glittering with the Sun light's reflection and she beamed, feeling the smooth wind brush her face as she jumps. In George's eyes, she was insanely mesmerizing and he could feel himself falling deeper into her, slowly being lost as they dance.

"This is fun," she says to him, enjoying it slightly although she was bad at it. 

"Right?" winks George.

Aine hums, and they continued practising before they changed partners. From George to Fred, to Dean, and then Hermione followed by Ron, then Ginny and lastly, Harry. By the time the introduction and training lesson was done, the students were all completely out of breath and exhausted. Needless to say, they had fun in the end. 

All that's remaining now, is to find an ideal partner and dress up for the Yule Ball. Though it may not be as easy as it seems. Since after the whole trouble the students went through in learning the waltzing steps, McGonagall had revealed to them—

That only fourth-year students and above are allowed to go to the ball. 

─── ⋆⋅☀⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☀⋅⋆ ───

Oh my god! The Yule ball has is finally approaching! When I began writing this book, my first worry was about the Yule Ball and how am I going to write it! I've planned out who is going with who, but I would love to see what you guys think! Do you think Aine is going to the ball? Who will she be going with? Leave me a comment about your opinions!

Anyways, things have been hella hectic for me lately because of a certain new project that I've been helping. Really thought that I was one of the sidelines people helping out but turns out that the workload was even more than they asked of me. Henceforth, updating the chapters took quite some time too. I hope you guys understand!

Question of the day: Who would you choose to go to the Yule Ball with? 

- Zeneria 

UNTOLD | D.M (UNRAVEL BOOK 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora