And now, we're at art class. "Why am I even here? Just to suffer?" I sighed.

"Damn it, you're getting on my way."

"Hey, Juda. What are those?"

"Are you selling them or something?"

I know what I'm about to do. "Get lost, Aish you're annoying me more." I glare at them as I stood beside Juda.

The 3 glare at me before walking away. "You don't have to do that Yin-ssi."

"But I have no choice because Oh Namju is already giving you a hard time." She nudge my elbow telling me that Namju heard me.

I scoff. "Let him hear it." I grab some supplies from Juda to help her to hand over to our classmates. 

We walk towards Namju and I'm the one who will give him. "Here." Our fingers slightly touch that sent shivers down my spine but ignored it. After he took it I walk away annoyed then another spotlight is on Juda.

I went to sit beside Dan-o while the stage is still happening. "So, all this for those two?" 

Dan-o got annoyed about the spotlight so she tried to steal the spotlight from Juda which the Author won't let her.


The author placed me beside Juda again. Now that I sat with her, my energy just drained when I saw Namju staring at our direction. "Of course he's staring to Juda again then I'll be helping them...Aish..." I sighed.

I was lost in thoughts when I heard Juda say something. "Yin-ssi, you must tie your hair, you might get some charcoal on it."

"Oh...Right." I found my hair tie on my wrist and followed what Juda said.


"Dan-o, are you ready?" The teacher said and I looked over Dan-o who is confused.

"What are you doing? It's your turn to be a model today. Give her a big hand!" Her face lighten up and enjoyed the attention, of course as she should, we're an extra after all.

But the Author decided to tripped her so Namju and Juda would have a moment. Some of the students laugh but some don't.

"Everyone look at Dan-o." I waved at Dan-o and congratulating her to be the model today while she excitedly smile back.

"It's the left-side you Pig."


"Pig, it's the left -side." The teacher joked.

I laughed at the joke, this may be one of my favorite moments that the Author write. You see Author-nim, extras are part of the colors in a book.

I'm shading my drawing when the teacher spoke up.

"My goodness! Namju you're a natural-born artist."

Everyone gathered and surrounded him while I continued to draw mine.

"The hair is too long to be Dan-o's."

"This looks like...Juda..." I heard Soochul say and I scoff knowing that'll happen.

𝙴𝚡𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝚈𝚘𝚞: 𝙽𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚐𝚒𝚊Where stories live. Discover now