Ch 18:"Kacchan Happy Birthday!(1/2)!"

Start from the beginning

Mina POV:
"So it's settled then! I and some of the other girls will distract Bakugou tomorrow for you to prepare at home! Lida, Uraraka, Jiro and Todoroki will come with you tomorrow to find things!"

Deku POV:
"Oh okie then! We will meet up tomorrow!" And just like that we parted our way and started the day as pro heroes. I couldn't really focus while fighting villains. Feeling a bit anxious, excited and happy to celebrate Kacchan's birthday! Time had been moving slowly but at least it had come to an end. It was 6 pm when I finished my job and went home. Kacchan's usually late and back at 8 at night so I started cleaning and preparing dinner. After I has done all of them, I put them on the table and went to bed early. From yesterday night till this morning, I think Kacchan's also don't remember his birthday. It is also a good thing that I can surprise him!^^ I was really excited for tomorrow when I decorate the house while Kacchan's away with the others. I can't make a move tonight decorating because Kacchan might notice. 

I often left the door open if I don't feel like doing it with Kcchan. It was a sign for him every night when I went to sleep early.         (Author chan got inspired by a manga she read ok? ;) 

As I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't even notice Kacchan's home. I heard him slowly going up the stair to the bedroom. I think he saw the door open halfway so he went back down. Then I tried to contain my excitement for tomorrow and I kinda feel bad for not saying anything to Kacchan. After all, we wanna surprise him!

Morning came surely fast I guess when I saw the light peeking through the curtains. As usual Kacchan went to work. And... it's time I start to get things ready!

Then I got a message from Mina saying:
"Deku! We will have Bakugou shortly after on our mission! Boss allow us and arranged it for us! Everything is going as planned so don't worry. We will keep Bakugou busy until you're done".

"Ah that's was quick. I owed you so much, Mina"

After that, I quickly rampage and search through the basement, wardrobe and garage to find things I need for the decoration. I will first make things done at home and after going out with Uraraka, Lida, Jiro and Todoroki to pick out the ingredients for food(cake) and present for Kacchan!"

Luckily we have just the right things I need for. I thought about taking Kacchan out somewhere but I know he's not the type who likes to some special or fancy place so I decide to make it home for him! I have the strings, different colours of paper and ballons. And others things that we bought last year for an anniversary.

"Ok Time to get busy Izuku!"

11 pm in the morning, April 20 Saturday 

It took me quite a while to figure where to put them orderly and not too much. I hope Kacchan's not mad at me for messing up the house- I mean, after all, it was for him. hehe hope he won't blame me.

I looked at the clock and it was almost afternoon so I quickly changed my clothes and dashed to the place that we last met!            

(Do you remember dear readers? ovo It was in the first 2-3 chapters ("Who the fuck is she") where Izuku asked some advice about Bakugou's behaviour)

It was sunny and I had to run there and I was sweating a bit. I saw my friends already waiting for me at the coffee shop near the mall. Then we all went to the clothes store first and Uraraka and lida were picking some while Jiro, Todoroki and I were thinking of a present that is suitable for Kacchan.

Kacchan a day off~ *Warning smut* BkDkWhere stories live. Discover now