28.he's snoring too loud

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Y/n and the others are here on the kitchen having dinner


"Today's...kevin turn to sleep with me right?" I ask quietly , everyone look at me then Kevin chuckle "yeah...how did you know babe?" I shook my head "by your age..." He nod "clever" he mumble

"But ill be out on a mission at 3AM...chanhee will he there to protect you..." He smile sweetly

After I've done with my dinner , I walk to the living room to sse half of the members watching movies "y/n...come sit..." Haknyeon pat his beside

I'll just watch it too , I have nothing to do anyways...

Its not even long when haknyeon cuddle me and he sleep , while I'm enjoying the movie "sunwoo? Go carry haknyeon on his room" sangyeon said , sunwoo whined

"Nooo i was just about to enjoy the movieeeeee" "just goo" sangyeon scold , eric laugh quietly at sunwoo "and Eric? Go help him" now I'm the one who laugh quietly "y/n babe? Wanna help?" Sunwoo ask , I ignore him and drop my smile

Then Eric took haknyeon away from me , sunwoo carry on his head side and Eric carry on his legs side

"Woo you know?" Eric start "what?"

"Coffin dance"

Then two of them start dancing and singing while walking upstairs "huhuhu rest in peace brother haknyeon" eric said

Chanhee , Changmin and the others was laughing to dead while kevin wase no time to took a picture , hyunjae laughing was actually hurting my ears to he honest

Without me knowing , I was smiling secretly while looking at them , sangyeon look embarrassed , he stood up and try to stop the video , he don't wanna break the happiness of his member too , but not recording...

"Please Kevin stop recording"

Sunwoo and Eric were now on the stairs , dancing nonstop , they don't even care that they are there carrying haknyeon

Suddenly haknyeon wake up due to the noise , how can not he even wake up all that time time!? Sangyeon scolding , sunwoo and Eric dancing with his sleeping body , hyunjae laugh- how can that even be possible

"Ya why am i-" before haknyeon even finishing his sentence , sunwoo was flinch by haknyeon suddenly that he lost balance and slipped making Eric lost his too

"Are you guys okay!?"

"I wish this never happen"

"I told u guys to stop but you didn't so now look what happen"

Jacob took care of sunwoo , eric and haknyeon tiny wound that they have while they fall and the steps all together

I was looking at how Jacob treat them , sunwoo suddenly pinch my cheeks "so cute " I'm lost...

Kevin came in and hold my hand "time to sleep....I need to sleep ealry for my mission" I nod not wanting to complain , then he bought me towards his room

Kevin cuddle me so that I can be save and not scared , i think its 10:smth when everyone already sleep , but...I can't

This loud noise in front of my ear...I can't

Kevin was snoring loudly just infront of my ear , and when I said loud then yes its loud , I sit up removing his hand from mine

Then I got to chanhee room , I knocked

He look kinda surprised to see me "I'm sorry but kevin...he's is snoring too loud and I'm here-" "come in"

I don't know why I come here too , I just wanna sleep again on chanhee comfortable and soft bed

"He's snoring again?" He ask and I nod "in front of my ear"

"No wonder I sometimes can hear it from my room...sleep...you need strength for tomorrow"

The next day , kevin was staying with me with Eric , they were arguing about something while me thinking how I'll get out from here today

Yes today cause today night they suddenly need to have an important mission all together , this is my chance and I can't let it just go

Y/n:Kevin...you like drawing..right?

Kevin:Yes ofc course why? You wanna draw something

Y/n: can i have pencil and blank paper? | he nod and stood up to go to his room , but Eric was not done "I said hamburger is a sandwich!" "Oh shut up young boy stay with y/n we'll talk about this again"

Eric pout and sit down "y/n...no one love me...but you did right?" He ask "No Eric of course you member love you"

"Yeah...im too sensitive..."

Kevin is quick to come back with a paper and pencil "let's see what we have in you" he gave me the stuff while smirking , he then sit beside me on the ground

Jerk I'm good at drawing , I start to draw the mansion , they look amazed "why you draw that?" Eric ask

"I don't know what else to draw" I lie , of course i need this to Escape , today is boring just like always

The others come home , they look tired , I'm trying my best to act like I'm visible and avoid them

Cause everyone were sweating and even had some blood on them , I was making an uncomfortable face while looking at them , sitting as corner as I can


I look up to see sangyeon "be ready I'm taking you somewhere today night"

Wtf- Im so curious of where it will be "b-but what about mission?" My plan will not work ?

"We cancel it" shit

I get up and get into my room to took a shower and change


Did you guys want another chapter?

Sweet ᵇᵘᵗ Psycho |The Boyz FF|✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ