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That day...I did nothing but laying at the bed all the time , and even if I didn't want to , they don't allow me to walk nor even try , they even hesitated for me to sit up , its too much actually

Today night sangyeon is the first to spend the night on my room and stay with me , its already 8:something PM so he'll be here soon

I'm abit scared of him tho , what if he start talking about some stuff that I did wrong do I deserve to be like this?

I start to think about what I will said and what I will not said , first is I should not speak about the wolf or what he did to me

Second is I should never ask when is my legs goona get beterr cause it will only lean us to talking about the punishment

Third is- a feel a hard slap on my forehead with a chuckle follow by , I look up and saw sangyeon already here while smiling softly

"Was my cooking okay?" He come sit next to me while putting his arm around my waist , eyes still on me softly with a smile , I was shock "y-you cook that?"

"Of course! You're lucky! I never cook for someone , even my members never eat my food" he said , I apologize quickly , thinking that I make a mistake which left him confused

"Why you say sorry? I was just saying that for fun you know that right?"  I nod even tho I don't know it "i...think..."

"Is your legs hurting?" My shake my head quickly when he ask that , I dont wanna talk about my legs "its okay! It will heal soon!" "Oh..okay?"

"I'm not sure if you can walk" he said as I look at him "what do you mean? I can't walk anymore?" He chuckled "no princess..I mean like will you be too weak" oh gosh I thought I will never walk again and will never escape-

"Anyways ma babie...let me cuddle you to sleep" he fix the blanket but I whined "no!~ I'm not sleepy yet...I dont wanna sleep ~"

Sangyeon sigh and get up to turn on the TV , he took the remote and sleep next to me again "okay...let's see what we can watch"


Hyunjae run inside the room happily and jump on my bed , I was so scared for my legs , oh god dear leg are you okay!?

He jump in the middle of me and sangyeon , I scream as sangyeon did the same "dude what the hell you almost kill us!!" But this guy right here is smiling like an idiot

"Iron man! Let's watch iron man!" Um..iron man? "Hyunjae...its my turn to stay with y/n-" "I'll leave after we watch it ~~" he whined

"No...just go watch it by yourself...girls didn't watch iron man" sangyeon said "liar! Can at least y/n give me a nickname?" Hyunjae look at y/n

"Hmm??? You????"

"Yes! All of us" y/n laugh nervously "about that-" "let me call the others!!" Then hyunjae run out of the room letting sangyeon and y/n look at him weirdly even when he disappears

He then quickly come back with all the guys ,hyunjae jump again on the ned like the same time

y/n sigh "umm guys...I don't think this is the best idea...y/n is still weak-" "hyung please ~"

"Y/n is that okay with you?" Jacob ask , y/n just stay silent for abit and then nod "ummm even tho I'm not good at giving nicknames-" "its okay! Everything you said is beautiful" Younghoon said

Wait...comment what nickname you think they will match here ;)













If you guys don't choose then I don't have idea for any of them

Hi hi hi!~

Let's see who got the best nickname ;)

The nickname u commented will be important for the chapter I'll post on Monday

Sweet ᵇᵘᵗ Psycho |The Boyz FF|✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu