Chapter 6 Part 3

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Once they got to the top step of the stairs that would lead them down into the lobby, Mickey told Oswald to stay back a bit, still out of sight of the others. He then picked up a glass and a spoon from the banister and started tapping the glass with the spoon, creating a loud ringing that echoed across the room and got everyone's attention. Once he saw a majority of eyes on him, he set the two items down and began the introduction. "I know some of you might've heard of a new helper in the studio that worked on the collection with all of us. I'd like to introduce him to you all now, and take a quick moment to let him know that I doubt these new releases would be what they are without him." Oswald's ears perked up at this. What had brought on that kind of a compliment? He appreciated it, sure, but it seemed so sudden that it surprised him. He didn't have much time to think about it before Mickey continued speaking, and started to step aside. "That being said, please welcome the newest addition to our ever-growing cast of characters, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit!" Once his name was spoken, Oswald stepped out from the hallway onto the staircase, quickly hearing strong applause and cheers, though most of the cheering was from the other Toons, energetic as always. It was overwhelming at first, but after a minute he smiled as, for the first time in a long while, he felt loved. Mickey let him enjoy the attention for a moment, happy to see Oswald beaming the way he was, then waved for the rabbit to follow him as he descended the stairs. It took him a moment to realize the mouse had moved, but once he did, Oswald moved to catch up and follow him. "Everyone seems to like you already. And I'm sure it'll be just the same with audiences once you're back on screen."

"Well, with your influence and that introduction you made for me, I don't think the people around here would have much reason to argue with you. But audiences can express whatever opinion they want about the collection. We can't be certain that everyone's going to like every new cartoon that goes out."

"Well, that's true, but most of our releases tend to do pretty well. And just from what I know about you, there's no doubt in my mind that the people will love you! Just like they used to, right?" This made Oswald pause. He knew Mickey was trying to cheer him up, but to say something like that... Fortunately, Mickey noticed this pause and also stopped. "Oh, uh, sorry, Ozzy. I wasn't thinking when I said that."

"No, no, that's okay. You were right about one thing, I was popular back in the day. Maybe even almost as popular as you are now. But are we sure that people will like me just as much as they did back then? Each generation is a bit different from the last, after all."

"Aw, C'mon, Ozzy. Only a few generations have passed since you disappeared, I'm sure things haven't changed that much. It might take some time for your popularity to start building back up, but I'm sure you'll still be loved just as much as you were before."

"Well, we'll just have to see. No guarantees on either side." Oswald seemed like he would've continued walking, but he didn't know where to go. He knew a majority of these characters, from reading scripts and seeing concept designs in the vault, but thus far he had only personally met Minnie and Donald. And he didn't think he was close enough to either of them to consider them friends. Looking across the room, Oswald's hand reached up and grabbed his other arm, pulling it towards his torso. A classic depiction of shyness and awkwardness.

Mickey saw this and got an idea. He knew there were a lot of toons here, and he didn't want Oswald to be overwhelmed by meeting so many people at once. He smiled a soft, reassuring smile, and place a gentle hand on Oswald's shoulder. "Why don't you come and meet my friends? You're likely to work with them the most often anyway, so if we start you off by getting acquainted with them, you'll know who you're working with and the introductions won't be overwhelming for you."

"I'm guessing your biggest concern is me not being overwhelmed?" Oswald looked at Mickey with a playful and knowing smirk, causing the mouse to chuckle with a hint of nervousness.

"Yeah, you got me. I just want to be sure you're comfortable at this party, and I think it'll be easier for you if you're introduced to small groups of people at a time. You don't mind that, do you?"

"Of course not! I'd be glad to meet your friends!" Of course, as it had before, knowing that Mickey was concerned about him made Oswald feel a tiny bit sick, but it wasn't nearly enough for Oswald to show it. Mickey scanned the room until he found his friends, fortunately, all standing in a group, and started towards them, waving for Oswald to follow.

As they approached the group, Minnie managed to catch a glimpse of them and smiled. "Mickey! Oswald!" She waved to them, easily getting the attention of the others. Pluto barked and ran up to Mickey, walking alongside the two until they reached the group, which was only a few more steps.

Mickey and Oswald waved back, with Mickey more than ready to reintroduce Oswald to his friends. "Hiya, everyone! I know I already introduced him to the room, but I want you guys to personally meet Oswald!"

And so, Oswald was formally introduced to the group, at least the ones he hadn't met before. There was a little bit of tension in some moments, which would often be cleared up by joking in the next. Despite everyone having their obvious quirks, the rabbit was happy to know that they all seemed pretty nice. Well, of course, most Toons of any kind were nice, even if villains occasionally acted shiftily. It was pretty rare to see toons not getting along unless it was part of their written nature.

Oswald started to feel genuinely happy, but had one question nagging at the back of his mind, so he turned to Mickey to ask it. "So, um... how do these parties usually shake out? Like, is there any set plan for anything?"

Mickey turned Oswald around to face another side of the room. "See that projector screen?"

"Yes." There was indeed a large projector screen on the wall Mickey had pointed Oswald towards. That wall was right across the room from the stairs where they had come in, so Oswald started wondering how he had missed it before.

"We typically allow guests some time to mingle and catch up, and then at seven we'll gather in front of the screen and watch the new collection! This is a celebration of a new release, after all, so it only makes sense for us to watch the release, right?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"And this is the first time the cartoons will be played for an audience, so everyone in this room will be seeing them before anyone else in the world!"

"You mean we'll have first access?" Oswald suddenly looked over at Mickey with an excited gleam in his eyes.

"Yep!" Mickey replied with a laugh. "But you'll have to be patient. Remember that the preview doesn't start until seven."

"I know... but there's just something about the idea of having first access to something, even a cartoon collection, that gets me all excited!"

Before he knew it, some of the human workers had rolled out a projector and Mickey announced that it was time to watch the collection. A bunch of seats had been set up, though it still seemed like some people would have to stand. "Alright, everyone!" Mickey was calling out. "You know the drill! Smaller Toons in the front!" Oswald watched as seats were being filled up, everyone seemed to keep the varying sizes and shapes in mind. Mickey pulled Oswald up to the front, and it quickly clicked in the rabbit's mind that they were going to introduce the cartoons. Though he had no idea why Mickey had wanted him to come along. "Alright! Thanks, everyone, for coming! Now I know I already introduced him once, but I'd just like to give one more shoutout to my buddy Oswald here. I like to think that he gave these cartoons a feeling of freshness, and what you're about to see wouldn't be half of what it is without him." Oswald felt his face heat up a little hearing all of this, but he did have a little smile as well. Mickey must've seen his expression because he heard the mouse chuckle before finishing the announcement. "Now, ladies and gentlemen, here is our first cartoon, starring Oswald!"

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