part 3.

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"albedo, could you help me with something?"

"if it is within my abilities, yes."

albedo watched you fiddle with your gloved fingers, "it's a strange request, but could you help me practice my swordsmanship?"

"swordsmanship? wouldn't it be better to ask someone else such as kaeya," albedo asked, not upset, but more surprised. albedo was well-versed in favonius bladework: weiss, but he certainly wasn't the ideal person to practice with.

"i would," you responded, "but i couldn't bring myself to ask him." your words reduced to nothing more than a mumble.

albedo wasn't too surprised by this. kaeya was a bit intimidating in the sense that he was unpredictable. he was easy to approach and he was certainly not unkind, but seeing that you weren't always the best at socializing, it could be difficult to get along with kaeya. especially since he was always teasing you.

albedo thought for a moment. he certainly wasn't against training with you. it would be optimal for him to practice and help you with your own bladework at the same time. he knew how badly you wanted help with it as well since you were now about to take the selection test to become a knight of favonius. it would be your first time taking it and you didn't know what to expect, but albedo knew you wanted to refine your swordsmanship skills since it was one of your strongest points.

"please, albedo," you begged and looked up to him with large, watery eyes, "i really wanna get into the knights of favonius and i can't do it without you."

unexpectedly, your words affected albedo greatly.

"fine," albedo finally said, "i will help you. but in return, you must watch klee for me while i work on some experiments."

you let out a small gasp. "really? thank you, albedo!"

before albedo could even continue, you excitedly left the office. in thirty minutes, he found you at the knights of favonius training area. you gave him a warm smile that made his chest feel a bit fluttery. you went over to albedo, asking if he was ready for some training. he brought out his sword, and clarified that he wouldn't hold back.

you chuckled and quickly tried to attack his core, but albedo swiftly dodged it.

"swinging will result in a higher chance of striking your opponent," he commented.

you nodded in understanding, and moved in to attack him again. for the two hour of training, you mostly attacked albedo as he added what you needed to fix. albedo was impressed by how you improved exponentially. although your defense was on the weaker side, you were still a pretty strong fighter. however, albedo felt he wasn't doing enough for you to flourish the way kaeya or jean would have.

by the end of the session, the two of you were drenched in sweat and out of breath. albedo felt his clothes stick to his skin and grimaced. you, on the other hand, looked exhilarated despite your exhaustion. you looked as if you were glowing as you sent a smile towards albedo's direction, causing blood to rush to his face. luckily, his face was already quite red from being out of breath, so he doubted you'd noticed. in the end, the session was a success and you were adept enough that albedo felt you could pass the test easily.

before you left to go wash up, you went up to the young alchemist.

"albedo, you've been such an incredible help, i really think i'll be able to pass the test thanks to you," you said.

and unexpectedly, you gave him a small hug. it wasn't even a real hug, more like a side-hug. you waved him goodbye, promising to watch klee one day, and he watched as you disappeared into the city.

he went back into his office, deciding that he was too tired to continue his work for the day. before going into his office, he passed grand master varka and jean in the hallway.

"albedo," jean gasped as he passed them, "are you alright?"


"your face is all red, do you need to see a doctor?" she stopped to look at his face, her expression reading worried.

he was confused at first, but he noticed that his heart was beating rapidly and his face was heated, even though the training session ended a while ago. perhaps he was sick? maybe he should go see a doctor about it.

"i was just training with y/n," albedo finally responded, hoping that it was convincing enough.

varka nodded understandingly before saying to himself, "y/n would make a fine knight. well then albedo, have a good rest of your day."

albedo said his goodbyes and went into his office and shut the door behind him. he leaned against the door, pressing his hand against his thumping heart. as he sat there, he thought about what might be causing it, and he came to the conclusion that it happened only when you were around. what in the world were you doing to him?


aaaa albedo's coming back in two days!! i have literally no primogems since i haven't been able to play for a while, so i've been praying that i get him- i highly regret spending all of those primogems on the standard banner because maybe then i'd have a higher chance of getting him. if i really need to, i'm willing to lose my f2p status for him :((

but good luck to everyone who's pulling for him and good luck to everyone who's pulling for eula as well! <3

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