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Hey, hotstuff. I just wanna say there will be some gory things in here. I mean to some of y'all probably on but just a warning ⚠️ for this chapter. Also, HAPPY THANKSGIVING/HOLIDAY.

Love, Dorothy <3
Third-person POV

"He should've never been there. I could've handled it." Leah was angry but it wasn't really towards Jacob.

"Just give it a rest, Leah. All we can do now is wait for Carlisle." Sam walked towards the woods as y/n and Paul came into view.

"They should be here in a couple of minutes. How's Jacob?"

"He's in his room. He's been asking for you since we've brought him here." Y/n walked passed Sam only for Sam to hold onto her shoulder. "Don't stress yourself too much over what happened today." Y/n nod and heads to Jacobs room.

"Damn dude, you look awful." Jacob laughs but soon pain shot through his body, and Carlisle walks in with Sam. Carlisle examines Jacob's injuries and looks at both y/n and Sam.

"I have to break all his bones back into place for it to heal properly. I need you two to hold him down, while I do that." As they got into position, Carlisle nods towards them, to signal he is starting.

(If you watched Teen Wolf then this next part will make sense.) Jacob struggled against them at first but slowly relaxed with a grunt every now and then. Sam found it weird but then saw what was happening. Jacob's pain was traveling through his veins into y/n's body. Y/n was sweating and breathing heavily.

Carlisle was also witnessing it and added this to his mental notes. As he packed up and left the room, saying Jacob should feel better in a week.

Y/n tried to stand, but she fell backwards where Sam happened to be. "Don't worry, I got you."

"Thanks Sam. I just need some (f/d) and I should be fine." Sam guided her to the kitchen and prepared to make some (f/d). Sam already send the pack to patrol one more time for cold ones.

"Y/n, is there anything else you want with your drink?"

"I mean, if you know how to make Pani Popo then yes please." Sam just looked and y/n funny, which caused the girl to laugh a little.

"It's a sweet coconut bun dessert. I'll make it for the pack one day before I- nevermind." Y/n gulp the whole thing down and asked for second.

"Y/n, I know we've only known each other for a short time but I really like your company. Beside Emily, you're the only other girl they listen too."

Before Sam can go on, y/n stood up and ran upstairs. She got a feeling that something was also with Jacob. Sam came into the room and looked to see why y/n ran upstairs. "What's wrong, y/n?"

"You didn't sense it? Like there's someone else in here with Jacob." Y/n looked all over the room and saw a small note on the windowsill.

"I think you're just drained. How about you stay the night at my place? It's a block away from here. I also don't feel comfortable with you in Forks with the Cullens."

"Yea, I think I'll do that. Can you go start the car, I'll be down there in a second, I just need to make a phone call." Sam left and y/n grabbed the note. It read, "Tik Tok y/n. You're running out of time and they're almost here. You can't out run fate. ~ H."

Y/n ripped the note up and was trying to plan out on how to leave. They can't get caught up in the middle like the others did.

"Wait for me." Y/n turned around and saw the Jacob was was still asleep. Awww, I didn't know Jakey sleep talks.

"I love you so much." Y/n just looked at the sleeping wolf. Is he talking about Bella? She walked out the door towards the car.

"Were you able to reach out to whoever you were calling?"

"Well more like the reached out to me, I just missed their call because of Jacob's bones and stuff."

"I love you so much, y/n." A tear spilled out of Jacob's closed eyes. Please, don't leave me.


As y/n got ready for bed, using Sam's shirt as pajamas she noticed a picture frame down. Y/n was about to flip it when Sam came in, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was curious on why this was flipped down." She tried reading his facial expression but he just sighed.

"You're fine. And for the picture, there's someone in it that I used to look up to but you know. Things happen." Y/n understood and got into the bed. Sam turned off the light and was about to head out.

"Sam, please don't tell me you're sleeping on the couch in your own house." Sam leaned on the door framed and laugh.

"Then I won't tell you." Y/n felt bad until an idea came to her head.

"Why don't you sleep on the other side of the bed? It's pretty big and I'm sure if you want to have kids in the future you won't try something." Sam sweat dropped at the thought of his jewels missing the next morning.

"I'm kidding. Well, in a way. Here, it's like having a sleepover and sharing a bed with your friends." Sam went towards the bed and snuggled into his sheets.

A few hours of them sleeping, y/n started tossing and turning. There was a shaded figure who stood over her bruised body. They held her face in their hand and made sure y/n's eyes connected with him.

"It's a pity. You tried your absolute best and still ended up short. I mean you couldn't even save your real parents or your friends from danger. Look around. This is because you're weak."

Y/n did look around and teared up at the scene. The Cullen Coven were dismantled with their limbs scattered on the ground. Some of their faces were unrecognizable and torn to shed.

As for the wolves, they had their insides sprawled for any by-passers to see. There were even crows picking at their organs.

Finally, there was Bella with her throat slit and eyes hollowed out, blood streaming out of her ear. Emily and Kai seemed to be reaching for each other's but was pinned down with arrows. They looked like they were crying blood. And Charlie, who had his hands nailed above his head. He was stabbed over and over.

"You're just like your mother. She should've chose me, I could've protected both of you. Such a shame."

"SHUT UP. THEY'RE NOT DEAD. MY M-MOM?" They heard a grunt and saw Charlie waking up. "Y/n run aw-" Charlie was sliced down the middle like pizza.

"Oops. The scythe accidentally slipped my hold." The figure just laughed while y/n broke down crying. The figure hovered over the (h/c) haired girl and brought her face to look at theirs.

"Y/n, wake up. Hey, WAKE UP." Y/n jumped up and started searching her body to see if she was injured. She looked over and saw Sam staring into her glossy (e/c) eyes.

"Hey, it was just a nightmare. You're safe. Just breathe." Sam hugged y/n as she found comfort in Sam's arm. "It felt so real. It scared the living shit out of me."

They stayed in that position until y/n looked up to Sam, who was rubbing her back and playing with her hair. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Nn-no, I'm still trying to process everything. Ca-an we just stay like this for a while?"

"Sure. There's no rush. We still have tomorrow."

Tomorrow might not come, Sam. They laid there until y/n was finally able to fall asleep again. Sam moved some strands of hair out of y/n's face. He adjusted their position, and y/n is sleeping on his chest while he has his arms wrapped around her figure.

I'll kill Freddie Krueger if he's the one giving you nightmares. He kissed her cheek and soon fell asleep too.

R̶a̶r̶e̶ B̶r̶e̶e̶d̶ (Twilight x reader)Where stories live. Discover now