Jealousy Only Brings Harm part 2

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A.N. Honestly, I was planning on leaving it off on that cliffhanger and not writing a part two, but everyone seemed to want a part 2 so here it is! Enjoy!


Ray's POV
            It's been a few days. A few days since my best friend got shot. I haven't heard anything yet about whether or not he'll be okay. I haven't even been to the hospital to check on him. I guarantee he wouldn't want to see me. It's all my fault he even got hurt.

            I haven't been answering any emergency calls either. I know I should be, and I can't just ignore them, but I've been sending them to emergency voicemail and having them contact the police or the fire department or somebody who isn't me. I just can't go out and fight crime right now. Because if I did, everybody would be asking, "where's Kid Danger?" And I wouldn't be able to even come up with a lie because then I'd just break down.

            But enough about me.

            Charlotte told me that the hospital had contacted Henry's parents and they are still waiting on news about their son. Charlotte's incredibly worried too. To be honest, I didn't tell her that Henry was in the hospital. She found out from Piper Hart, Henry's little sister, after her parents told her that her brother was in the hospital and then Charlotte contacted me.

            I just hope he'll be okay.

Charlotte's POV
            I walk into work today for the first time since I found out Henry was in the hospital.

            I see Schwoz working on something in the main room of the Man Cave.

            "Hey, Schwoz." I say.

            "Oh, hey, Charlotte." Schwoz replies back, looking up from his project briefly.

            "Where's Ray?" I ask.

            "In his bedroom." Schwoz says.

            I can sense that something is bothering Schwoz so I ask, "what's wrong?"

            Schwoz stops what he is doing and responds, "I'm worried about Ray. He hasn't slept since the incident at the pet store nor has he left his room that much either."

            "He's just worried about Henry. We all are." I defend, but I get Schwoz's point. Ray isn't taking care of himself.

            That's when my phone starts ringing. I take my phone out and check the caller id.

            It's Piper.

            I answer the phone, "hello?"

            "Charlotte." Piper's voice comes through the phone. It sounds sad and broken. That can't be good.

            "Piper? What's wrong?" I ask, afraid that I already know what the answer is going to be.

            I hear Piper sob once through the phone before answering, "it's Henry..."

            This alarms me even more. I think I know what's coming next, but I asked anyway, "what about him...?"

            "He didn't make it..." Piper's sobs come through the other end of the line and I can feel tears brim the corner of my eyes.

            I don't say anything back and just hang up the phone as tears stream down my face and quiet sobs escape my lips.

            Schwoz appears to notice this and he asks, "what happened? What was that about?"

            I just cry harder and Schwoz approaches me and hugs me.

            "He's gone..." is all I can say. My voice is quiet and broken.

            I can't believe it. My best friend. Gone. And he's never coming back.

            Then something comes to my mind.

            "Who's gonna tell Ray...?"

Ray's POV
            There's a soft knock on my bedroom door and Schwoz's voice calls out softly, "Ray...?"

            I get up and open the door. "Schwoz?"

            "We got some bad news..." Schwoz says.

            No. It can't be what I think it is. He can't be... Don't think like that, Raymond. Maybe it isn't that.

            "What is it?" I ask cautiously.

            Schwoz takes a deep breath and answers, "Henry didn't make it..."

            Those four words are enough to bring me to my knees. Figuratively. I'm not going to break down in front of Schwoz, even though I want to just break down and cry right now, but I hold my composure.

            I take a deep breath in before saying, voice breaking slightly, "thanks for informing me, Schwoz."

            "Are you okay...?" Schwoz asks.

            "Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay." I say. It was a lie. I'm not okay at all right now, but I can't let him know that.

            "You know it's okay... to not be okay... right?" Schwoz asks.

            Tears brim the corners of my eyes and my voice breaks a bit more as I speak, "I'm fine, Schwoz. Thanks for your concern."

            Without giving him the chance to respond, I close the door and lay my forehead against it as tears stream down my face and quiet sobs escape my lips.

            "This is all my fault." I whisper to myself.

            "I didn't even get to say goodbye."

            I fall to my knees, still keeping my forehead against the door.

            Why didn't I just go see him at the hospital? At least then I would've gotten to see him one last time and would've gotten a chance to say sorry and say goodbye. But I didn't.

            I turn around so the back of my head is against the door know as I wrap my arms around my knees and silent tears stream down my face.

            I miss you, kid... and I'm sorry...


A.N. Uhm... I'm sorry- Juliana, I give you permission to virtually slap me for that... Unless you wanna travel like five states away to come slap me personally, then I give you permission to do so either way. Ok I hope you enjoyed part 2- Byeeeeee! ✌🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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