"It Must Be Easier To Take Him Down"

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A.N. This was requested by Newbie9456 so thanks for the request! I hope finals go well for you! This is the villains from Henry Danger reacting to hearing about Kid Danger's "death" even though he's technically still alive, they don't know that!

But seriously, why were they invited to the funeral anyway- You know what, it doesn't matter-

Also I have never written in a villain's POV before so bare with me please-



Minyak's POV
         I hear a knock on the door of my warehouse as my assistant, Nurse Cohart, went to open the door.

Nurse Cohart came back not too long after and she was holding something in her hand. She was reading it, whatever it was.

She gasped and I looked at her, "what is it, Nurse Cohart?"

"We... we've been invited to a funeral..." Nurse Cohart informs me.

"Oh? Who perished?" I questioned.

"Kid Danger..."

I pause. Did I hear that right?

"What sad news... for Captain Man at least. Imagine how much easier it'll be to take him down now!" I laughed.

"I get we're evil and all, but the boy literally just died! This is an invitation to his funeral!" Nurse Cohart said.

"Oh, yes, I suppose you're right. We will be attending the funeral, and it is sad news, but it'll make it so much easier on us." I said as I walked away to prepare myself for the funeral.

Toddler's POV
"Uh, boss, we just got an invitation to Kid Danger's funeral?" One of my henchmen said, walking into the room after going to get the mail.

            "What?! Let me see that!" I said as I snatched the paper from his hands.

            I read it over and it was true. Kid Danger was dead. He was really gone.

            "Huh. Well this just made my job a lot easier. Without Kid Danger around, Captain Man will probably be all sad and depressed and he'll let his guard down." I reasoned.

            "Well, boss, are we attending the funeral?" Another one of my henchmen asked.

            "Yeah, we'll attend the funeral. Pay our respects. I may be evil, but I'm not a monster." I said.

Rick Twitler's POV
Everything was going according to plan. Everyone thought I was dead, but nope. Think again, losers.

I had the news on in the background as I was working on my latest scheme to get back at Captain Man and Kid Danger, when a news report caught my ear.

"This just in, Kid Danger has apparently... died..." Trent said as Mary burst out into tears.

I stare at the screen for a bit before turning it off then looking at the plan layout I had in front of me.

"Well. That changes things." I say as I go to make some adjustments to my plan, making it much simpler. All I had to do was catch Captain Man off guard, perhaps by mentioning his deceased sidekick, and then attack. Simple.

Veronika's POV
            I still hadn't been put in jail and was spray painting an abandoned shed when I got a news alert on my phone.

            I turned it on, thinking maybe it was about the other Wall Dogs, perhaps escaping or being released from prison, but what I saw was terrible.

            Kid Danger was... dead...

            I dropped my can of spray paint as tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

            No, Veronika, hold it in. You didn't care about him. Sure, he was cute, but he was the reason the rest of the Wall Dogs were put in jail.

            I picked up my can of spray paint again and got back to work.

Jeff's POV
            Woah, I just got invited to Kid Danger's funeral. I didn't know the dude died. Bummer.

            Oh well, I guess I'll go pay my respects at his funeral then. Captain Man must be devastated.

            I mean, it isn't my problem. He certainly wasn't my best friend.

Frankini's POV
            I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Kid Danger is dead?! Yippee! I mean, it's tragic, of course, but it'll be easier to take Captain Man down now.

            "Oh, no, what a tragedy!" I say dramatically as I collapsed against Goomer who had just showed me the news footage.

            "Aw. It'll be okay, Frankini." Goomer said, patting me on the back.

            "I'm not actually sad, Goomer! This is great! Think of how much easier it'll be to take down Captain Man now! I mean, he must be feeling pretty sad and depressed right now since he sidekick, who was also his best friend, just died." I explained.

            "Oh. Yeah." Goomer said.

            "Time to go start planning how to take down Captain Man." I sing-song while dancing out of the room.


A.N. I hope you enjoyed! There will be another one-shot up shortly!

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