The Lighter

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"I don't know he rubs me the wrong way!" I exclaimed me and my best friend Angie are talking about why I dislike the almighty "Golden Boy" Jack Davis.

"Oh c'mon Scar, don't lie, I know the only reason you don't like him is that there is a slight possibility that he is better than you!"

"WHAT?" I question as my eyes become wider. "What do you mean by that, I love competition!" I defend

"YEA, but you only like it when there is no way in hell that they could beat you" Angie responds

"I-" I try to say but I cut myself off not knowing what else to say.

"You know I'm right don't try to deny it," she remarks. Sometimes I hate the fact that she knows me so well.

"Alright, I got to get back to the computers." She states. Angie's a technical analyst. One of the best, in my heart at least.

"Okay, will I see you later?" I ask, It wasn't unusual that she would pop by my dorm at random times after work for a drink. All agents under the age of 30 must live in dorms until they come of age. I guess it's to protect us from being discovered and killed.

"I'll see I'm already tired, so maybe a raincheck?"

"Sure, but your treat," I state.

"Wow, ok I guess that's fair," She said accepting her defeat.

"Hey Miller, the boss wants to see you." Nick, some rando from the agency calls to me as he is leaving my bosses office.

"Great," I say to Angie. It's been a while since I got any missions, so hopefully, that's what it's about. "Right, See you, Ang," I say quickly as I start making my way to my boss's office.

As soon as I get there I knock on the door right below where it says his name in shiny silver letters 'Charlie Ross'.

"Come on in ." He yells out from the opposite side of the door.

I open the door and see him focused on a piece of white written on paper inside of a thin file. As I start to walk in his eyes flash up to welcome me. I then silently sit down in the chair In front of his desk. He then slowly looks up as if it was hard to look away from the paper.

"Miller, you have an assignment. I picked you personally for this mission because it's located in your home town and I wouldn't want anyone else on it." He states briefly.

"Also, this mission has a time frame."  "Three Days." He said hesitently. Like he knew how little time that was.

I've never had such little time on a mission, usually, they didn't need it rushed like this. I've found out the hard way not to question the timing on these missions, and to just get there and get it done.

And we usually couldn't go on missions in personal places since...You know, they could get personal. But the fact that he trust me to do this made me excited. He doesn't trust easily, but who would when your whole life is dedicated to secrecy and double-crosses?

"Thank you, I won't let you down," I state strongly, as I reach for the file that he has in his now extended hand, but just as I almost take the file from him he pulls the file away quickly.

"You better not, if  you mess up on this mission it doesn't only fall back on you." He informs.

I only shake my head in acknowledgment. I then reach for the file and take it in my hands. I quickly open the file to at least get an idea of what I'm going to do. Shit.

 'Mandy Vernon' is someone from my high school, she's a year younger than me. What did she do to get her face printed on this paper? I scan through the file to try to understand what she did. My face contorts into pure confusion when I see in big red letters 'Threat to National security' I look up at my boss to see him giving me a questioning look. 

"Someone, you know?" He asks. 

Should I tell him the truth? Telling him the truth could mean me being taken off the mission. I can't lie only an idiot would. They do like fifteen background checks before they consider hiring you.

"Yes, from Highschool," I say truthfully it wouldn't be smart or professional to lie, especially about a mission that could put the agency at risk.

"I'm going to trust you on this mission anyway." He says as he rubs the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger. He looked like he already regretted giving me this assignment. Fuck

"Can I ask what she did?"

"You can ask doesn't mean I'll answer." He states.

Fine, I'll bite. "What did she do?" I ask. A little worried about what the answer could be. He looks hesitant to tell me. Is it that bad?

"Let's just say she knows too much. And too little to know what's good for her." He says.

I know that's all I'll get from him. I turn around and leave his office. But he speaks and stops me in my tracks

"And Miller....Don't let anyone see you arrest her." He said dragging out the 'anyone'

His words make a wave of heat go through my body. "Can I know why?" I ask, scared of the answer.

"Just get ready for the mission you're heading there today." 

I push any fear or doubt about the mission down and head to my dorm to pack.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I lock my dorm and begin to make my way to the exit that leads to the parking lot. Behind me, I hear quick footsteps. Nobody without access can get into the dorms let alone get into the buildings. But, recently we have had a lot of secret files 'leaked' which obviously means there is someone sharing these files. What if whoever is behind me is that someone? No. Why would they choose me to go after I know nothing? But what if that's the point? 

A hand suddenly came down on my back making me jerk my elbow back and coming into contact with a stomach. It was instinct. I quickly turn around to face them.

"Fuck." Jack Davis says painfully, really? Universe what did I do to deserve this? 

"Sorry?" I state blandly. It's not like an apology will help his pain anyway. What does he want? I need to go. 

"Well," He says taking in a deep breath, obviously trying to recover from having his stomach elbowed. "Do you have a Light?" He asks waving his cigarette in his hand.

Is he fucking serious? He can barely breathe and he wants a cigarette? Whatever, if I help him maybe he'll die from lung cancer. If I could only be so lucky.

"yea," I state. I take out my lighter and hand it over to him. 

He takes the lighter in his hand, but before he lights his cancer stick he takes a second to read the wording on the lighter. He lets out a small chuckle and then proceeds to light his cigarette.

The exit door suddenly swings open and my driver starts walking towards us with purpose.

"Well, that's my cue, thanks for the-." He says briefly while handing my lighter back slightly lifting it up to finish his sentence wordlessly with a smirk tugging on his lips. 


AN(ok so that was the first chapter I hope you guys liked it. Word count= 1239

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