}6{ - Peeta Mellark

Start from the beginning

The way he looked down at her was filled not with care, but with desire- that of a predator to prey.

His eyes dropped to her lips as his fingers dragged under her chin.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Livia said, breaking the silence and letting the mood die.

He straightened out and stepped out of Livia's way.

"Sweet dreams." He muttered- more mocking than anything- as he headed off.

As the door to her room closed behind her she thought about what he had said.

And maybe he was right.

She would make a great wife.

To someone, someday.

Because she was going to win- she had to.


By midnight Livia established that sleep would not come.

Tomorrow she was to be observed- to determine what weapons and such they would place in the area with them.

Livia wasn't too concerned about what weapon- as long as she could get her hands on it- but she guessed it all depended.

Every time she went to close her eyes she pictured what hell on earth of a place had they picked.

Would she freeze? Die of heat exhaustion? Starve?

What if there was nowhere to hide?

That was tomorrows thought, for tonight she wondered who would read Dominic a story? Who would wipe off the warrior paint that Augustus had fallen asleep with? Who would help Ambrose find his sleep socks?

Thoughts of her brothers filled her head- meaning there was no way she was getting any sleep, much less a moment of peace.

She stood from her bed, bigger than her brothers and her beds combined.

Livia fixed the bun her hair had been in, now messy, as she glanced out into the city- just as alive and awake as she was in the moment.

The bottoms of her sweatpants dragged across the ground as she headed towards her bedroom door.

As it slid open Livia noted the technology, in relation to how useful it would be back home.

Although, Ambrose was a sleepwalker- so maybe the automatic door would save him a headache or two- but overall would make it harder for herself who would have to chase him down.

The penthouse, unlike the rest of the city, was dead.

The room was dark, dimly lit by the outside shining in.

As she walked across the room, she realized the aching feeling in her chest had been loneliness.

A few days ago, she'd been home- playing with Dominic and teasing the twins- and now, now she was all alone.

She was surrounded by strangers, strangers- might she add- who were preparing to kill her.

It was hard to make friends when they would all be dead within the next month.

The Hunger Games - Peeta Mellark (1)Where stories live. Discover now