"HOLY FUCK." I screamed, looking at the screen of my phone. A message from an unknown number flashed on the screen.

"That could be a creepy stalker." Andy laughed, walking over to look at my screen.

"Whatever. Read it." Melissa said.

I tapped for the message to open.

"Good Evening, Ms. Sydny Green. The Los Angeles Academy of Arts and Cosmetology (a/n: idk if there's such a thing lol) is inviting you to join 9 more students to London to participate in the Fashion Week which will be held next week. Please confirm that you will be coming by talking to Miss Geraldine Mendoza. Thank you, and Congratulations!"

The three of us screamed.

"Oh my fucking hell." I shouted. Before anyone could say anything else, Andy's phone buzzed.

His eyes widened as he hesitantly took his phone out of his pocket. "I don't wanna open it. Read it for me." He said, handing the phone out.

Melissa took it and gasped. "It's you mother."

"What?" For a second, Andy looked disappointed. But Melissa started to laugh.

"I'm kidding. I'm kidding." She laughed, but she stopped abruptly as her phone buzzed as well. Melissa immediately handed me Andy's phone as she took our hers.

Andy scooted beside her and looked down at Melissa's phone. I read the one on Andy's.

"WE'RE GOING TO LONDON!!!!" We all shouted.

Melissa sat down, teary-eyed. "Oh my God. I never ever left the U.S."

"Now you will!" Andy singsonged. "We're going to London. WE'RE GOING TO LONDON!"

I joined in. "WE'RE GOING TO LONDO-"

My phone started ringing.

"Oh fuck it." Andy muttered. "Who's trying to ruin our celebration?"

I ignored him and went to the balcony to answered the call. "Hey."

"Hey." Luke said, sounding tired. "Um, I'm on the airport to Dublin."

"Oh." I said. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Just... Tired and sleepy." Luke said. Something about the way he's talking doesn't seem like him.

"Oh. You'll get some sleep on the flight, don't worry." I smiled, not caring if he could see me or not. I wish I could be there beside him. "Where's your next stop after Dublin?"

Luke was silent for a moment. "London. I think? We'll be staying there for a week, I guess."

Excitement started to build up in my stomach, but I tried to hide it in the tone of my voice. "London." I said. "That's nice. So-"

Someone talked in the background, and Luke said "I have to go, Sydny."

"Alright. Stay safe." I said, and he hung up. Just like that. Without saying 'I love you' or even just a simple goodbye. Something's wrong with him. Did I do anything wrong?

I went back inside. My face must've looked miserable because Andy and Melissa stopped laughing when they saw me.

"What happened to you?" Melissa asked.

"Luke." I sighed. "He just seems off. I'm not used to it."

Andy scoffed. "I'm surprised you're not, actually. You know, they always seem tired, traveling people."

I nodded slightly. "Whatever. He'll be alright. Come on. I have a plan."

I told them about how I was thinking that it was now our turn to surprise the boys. Specifically, me and Melissa should do this, but Andy agreed to it too. When I'm done, they started asking questions.

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