You then took his hand off your cheek and placed the test in it.

Paul stared blankly at first, it took him a while to realise what he held. Then his face turned into dread, then joy.

'You're... pregnant?' He said, a giddy smile spread across his pink lips.

You couldn't fathom why Paul would be smiling. This charge, mixing with people above your social class, put people like you to death. Especially if it's result is bringing on heirs that could jeopardise the richer families.

'Why are you smiling, Paul?' Your voice held obvious fear. 'There is nothing about this to smile about!'

'Yes there is, Y/n!' Paul chuckled. 'A baby is coming, our baby!'

'Paul, you're nineteen, I'm eighteen! You're an aristocrat, I'm a servant! You're rich, I'm poor! This will never work!' You shouted. Tears started to flood down your cheeks once more. Your breathing became heavier and heavier, your heart pounded faster and faster.

'Y/n, I love you with all of my heart!' Paul held you still as he gazed into your eyes. 'I will do everything in my power to help you, I promise.'

'You're willing to do anything?' You sniffled.


You stared at him. You'd at least expected him to demand you keep the baby, whether it meant killing you. It would give him an heir, even at a young age.

'I don't want to keep the baby.' You said. Your tone firm

The hurt in Paul's eyes was evident. You knew he'd always wanted to be a father. But you stood your ground.

'This baby would ruin my life forever. There would be no coming back from this.' You said.

Paul sighed deeply. 'Okay. I'll find someone to help.'

Paul then turned to his desk, and placed the test far back in a drawer. He didn't look at you for a long time. He just stood there, starring blank at the wall.

You didn't know what to say. So, you walked up to him and hugged him from behind.

'I love you.' You whispered. When you didn't hear a reply, you gave him a long, warm kiss on the cheek and left the room with a heavy heart.

You had no idea that this decision would hurt Paul so badly. After all, you were both still so young, you had your whole lives ahead of you. Having the baby would crush yours and Paul's dreams, together or one at a time.


You didn't see Paul for the rest of the week. Though your heart ached for him, you knew better than to go rushing too him after raising his hopes, then dashing them against the rocks.

As you went about your work, cleaning, polishing, wiping and dusting along with running food around the Palace, avoiding Paul. Often you'd see him in the hallway and treat him like he was yet another servant. You wouldn't pay any mind to him; you'd pretend you were too busy to notice him.

You could tell Paul would stare at you as he walked past, but whether it was in disappointment, anger or longing was beyond you.

After a long day of hard work, you decided to take Gus to the markets for a new saddle pad. He had a funny thing about liking the ones he chose, but hating the ones you chose.

You walked to one particular stall where a shopkeeper, Ann, worked.

'Ah, I can see Gus wants a new saddle pad, does he?' Ann laughed as Gus anthropomorphically riffled through the tub of saddle pads.

'Yep, I was given just enough extra to buy him the pad he wanted today.' You smiled proudly as Gus yanked on a deep blue with yellow detailing on it.

Ann reached down and pulled it out.

'You know what, my dear?' Ann smiled her kind little-old-lady smile. 'You can have this for free. After all, Gus is my best customer.'

'No, Ann, I couldn't.' You shook your head.

'But I can. Dear, take it.' Ann handed it too you.

After reassuring you one more time that this gift was ok, you thanked her and lead Gus out of the market. He snorted happily as he pranced along the roads like a show horse.

You laughed at him as you came to a more secluded part of town, where not many people were at this time of day.

It all happened so fast. Shouts and yells of 'don't move' and 'you're under arrest' rang through your ears as your good day quickly turned sour.

Gus freaked at the sudden noice and reared tall. His rope got yanked out of your hands, causing you to scream from the sudden pain of rope burn. You felt layers of your skin rip away from you and stuck to Gus's lead as he galloped away at top speed.

You wanted to go after him, but by now, you felt something at the back of your head. Tears fell from your eyes, from the pain your hands brought you, and from the fear you felt.

'Y/n Y/l/n, you're under arrest for wrongful communication, leading to fertilisation of both parties.'

In short, you were under arrest for being pregnant. 


I hope you guys enjoyed! Feel free to tell me what you think, suggest a one-shot idea and follow for more like this! <3

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